Understand export and import endpoint parameters

The exportProcess and importProcess endpoints contain the following request parameters:

Parameter Description
fileName The name of the file to read from or create during the process. This parameter is required except when performing an export or import in standalone mode.
mode Indicates if the export or import is standalone or archived. This parameter is only required if using standalone mode.
id The operation ID. This parameter is required when working in the standalone mode.
format The format to use during the export or import. This parameter is used only when working in the standalone mode.
items Applies only to export. A list of objects to be exported. This array contains the format and id properties of the export operation.

Passes additional parameters to plug-ins. For example, you can speed up an import process by not looking for an existing item to update using the following:

  "fileName": "account.json",
  "id" : "bulkAccountHandler",
  "mode" : "standalone",
  "format" : "json",
  "params" : {
prettyPrintJson This is parameter is supported for all import and export IDs. The value can be true or false, which is the default. If set to true, the exported JSON will be formatted. Note that this parameter is supposed only for JSON formats.
headersList This parameter, which is supported for all import and export IDs, controls the headers of an exported CSV file. Note that this parameter is supported only for CSV files.
exportFromRepository For Products, ProductsV2, Collections, Catalogs, Prices and Promotions, only published data is exported. To export unpublished data, set the value of this parameter to publishing.
q The q parameter filters records for the total set of records. It supports conditional operators, such as eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, AND, OR, etc. Use this parameter to restrict exported records to 100 thousand.
update The value for this import parameter an be set to true or false, which is the default. If set to false, all records will be marked as create. Using this parameter can speed up the import process when import data contains only new records.
memberAssignmentEmailTemplate This email template import parameter can be used with Accounts and AccountsV2 IDs to trigger email when a member is added or removed from an account.
accountDeactivatedEmailTemplate This email template import parameter can be used with Accounts and AccountsV2 IDs to trigger email whenever an account is deactivated.
organization_site_available_v1 This email template import parameter can be used with Accounts and AccountsV2 Ids to trigger email when an account is reactivated or a new contract has been added.
emailTemplate This email template import parameter can be used with Profiles IDs to trigger email when a new profile is created.
siteId This email import parameter can be used with Profiles IDs. When triggering email, the links or other details included in the email are taken from the default site. To trigger email from a different site context, pass in a different siteId using this parameter.
roleChangeEmailTemplate This email template import parameter is used with Profiles IDs to trigger email roles whenever a profile is changed.
profileDeactivatedEmailTemplate This email template import parameter can be used with Profiles IDs to trigger email whenever a profile is deactivated.
organizationChangeEmailTemplate This email template import parameter can be used by Profiles IDs to trigger email when a profile's account changes.
triggerWebhook By default Shopper Profile Create or Shopper Profile Update webhooks are not triggered when a profile is created or modified. However, you can use this import parameter with Profiles IDs to trigger the webhook by setting this flag to true.

Note that you can also import and export your custom properties.

Notification webhooks for export and import

If you want to receive notification when an export or an import job completes, configure the Export or Import Complete webhooks as required for your external application. These webhooks contain links to status and export files for export processes, and status and failed record files for import processes.

  1. In the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface, click the Settings icon.
  2. Click Web APIs.
  3. Open the Import Complete or the Export Complete Event API.
  4. Enter the URL of your external application, as well as any authorization information necessary to access the system. Click Save.