Access experiments

You can access Oracle Experiments from either the Marketing or Design page within Commerce, depending on your access permissions.

To access Oracle Experiments directly from the Marketing page, select the Experiments option and the Experiments dashboard displays.

Accessing Oracle Experiments via the Marketing page provides access for non-technical users who may not be able to access the Design page. This affords business users the ability to view the dashboard, start/stop/extend experiments, and create new client side experiments. Using the Marketing page to access Oracle Experiments may provide a more direct route than navigating through the Design page layouts.

To access Oracle Experiments from the Design page you must select a layout, open it in Grid View then click on the Experiments flask icon. Choose whether you wish to view experiments previously created, or add a new experiment. The Design page within Commerce also affords you the option of adding an experiments slot to a layout and using that slot to create an experiment.