Activate the Integration

Once you have configured the Oracle Responsys and Oracle CX Commerce connections you can activate the integrations that were created when the integration package was imported to Oracle Integration Cloud.

Follow these instructions to activate the integrations:

  1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an admin user.
  2. Click on the Integrations icon to display the Integrations list.
  3. Click on the Activate button for the integration you wish to activate.
  4. You can choose here whether to switch on detailed tracing. Detailed tracing collects information about messages processed by the integration flow. This may assist in troubleshooting issues with the integration flow, but it may impact performance.

    To switch on detailed tracing, check the Enable detailed tracing checkbox.

    Note: Once an integration flow is active you must deactivate it and activate it again to switch detailed tracing on or off.

  5. Click Activate.
A message should be displayed to indicate that the integration flow has been successfully activated.