Configure the Oracle CX Commerce Webhooks

When the integration flows have been activated you must configure the webhooks in Oracle CX Commerce. These webhooks push a JSON notification to a URL that you provide to the webhook. The URL you provide maps to the specific integration workflow set up in Oracle Integration Cloud.

For the integration flows covered by this document there are four webhooks that must be configured. These are:

  • Shopper Registration: This sends a notification when a new user account is created by a visitor to your website. This webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-OMS Integration Profile integration flow.
  • ShopperAccount Update: This sends a notification when an already existing user account is modified by a visitor to your website. This webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-OMS Integration Profile integration flow.
  • Order Submit: This sends a notification when a registered shopper submits an order on your website. This webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-OMS Integration Order integration flow.
  • Cart Idle: This sends a notification when a registered shopper leaves your site without purchasing items that were added to their cart. This webhook pushes notifications using the OCCS-OMS Idle Cart integration flow.

You must configure the Production and Preview version of these webhooks to ensure that they work in all environments. The Production webhooks send information from your live store to production environments of your live systems, while preview webhooks send information from your preview environment to the test or sandbox environments of your external systems.

You can configure these webhooks through Commerce. Follow these instructions to configure a webhook:

  1. Log on to Oracle Integration Cloud as an admin user.
  2. Click on the Integrations icon.
  3. Click on the Integration Details icon to display information about the integration flow.

    If you are configuring the Shopper Registration or Shopper Account Update webhooks then you should display information for the OCCS-OMC Integration Profile integration.

    If you are configuring the Order Submit webhook then you should display information for the OCCS-OMC Integration Order integration.

    If you are configuring the Cart Idle webhook then you should display information for the OCCS-OMC Idle Cart integration.

  4. Copy the Endpoint URL for the integration.
  5. Log on to Oracle CX Commerce.
  6. Click on the Settings icon.
  7. Select Web APIs from the sidebar menu.
  8. Click on the webhook you wish to configure.
  9. Paste the Endpoint URL you copied into the URL field for the webhook.
  10. Remove the “metadata” text from the end of the URL.
  11. Enter the Username and Password for your Oracle Integration Cloud account.
  12. Click the Save button.

The webhook is now configured and is triggered each time the relevant event occurs, which in turn triggers the relevant integration flow.

For more information on Commerce webhooks, please refer to the Configure Webhooks chapter of the Using Oracle CX Commerce document.