Provide notes

This widget allows access to the agent-notes global element that enables an agent to view and add notes to the order or profile.

For detailed information on writing notes in the agent console, see View notes.

Widget Name: agentNotes

Display Name: Notes Widget - Agent

Supported Page Types:

  • agentCheckoutPageType
  • agentMultiShipCheckoutPageType
  • agentOrderDetailsPageType


  • Agent Checkout Layout - Pending Payment
  • B2B Checkout Layout - Agent
  • B2B Edit Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout For Multi Ship - Agent
  • Checkout Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Layout For Multi Ship - Agent
  • Order Details Layout - Agent

Elements: This widget uses the agent-notes element. To understand how this element is used, refer to the widget’s code view.