Apply split payments

This widget provides a way for an agent to apply multiple payment types within an order.

It reflects applied payments, the amount due and any pending payments. The widget supports both single and split payment mode. For detailed information on searching for an order in the agent console, see Create new orders.

Note: Shoppers can pay for an order using either loyalty points or in a monetary currency or a mix of currencies. Loyalty points can be used if allowAlternateCurrency is enabled.

Widget Name: agentSplitPayments

Display Name: Split Payments - Agent

Supported Page Types:

  • agentCheckoutPageType
  • agentMultiShipCheckoutPageType


  • Agent Checkout Layout - Pending Payment
  • B2B Checkout Layout - Agent
  • B2B Edit Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Edit Layout For Multi Ship - Agent
  • Checkout Layout - Agent
  • Checkout Layout For Multi Ship - Agent

Elements: To understand how these elements are used, refer to the widget’s code view:

  • agentsplitpayment-addpayment
  • agentsplitpayment-cash
  • agentsplitpayment-creditcard
  • agentsplitpayment-giftcard
  • agentsplitpayment-header
  • agentsplitpayment-invoice
  • agentsplitpayment-placeorder
  • agentsplitpayment-storecredit