Use the REST Agent API

Oracle CX Commerce uses REST APIs that consist of several sets of endpoints, which allow you to perform storefront, administrative and agent tasks.

These include Store, Admin, Social Wish List and Agent APIs.

The Agent API endpoints provide access to agent-specific functionality on the administration server. These endpoints can be used in conjunction with agent-specific widgets, for example to pass a response filter key in a REST call that was made from a widget.

Note that there are many similar endpoints that exist in each API. For example, each set of APIs may have endpoints for working with customers, although each endpoint differs in the functionality that they perform.

You can access a ccdebug REST client on your administration server in your test environment. This client is available at the following URL:


Each API is available only in certain environments. The Agent API is available only on administration servers. You can find information on endpoints in the REST API documentation, which is available through the Oracle Help Center at the following URL:

Note that the documentation on the Oracle Help Center reflects the most recent version of Oracle CX Commerce. If you are using an earlier version of Commerce, the API documentation on the Oracle Help Center may include endpoints that are not available on your version.

For additional information on working with REST APIs, see Use the REST APIs.