Modify your page layout settings

You can customize your store’s page layouts by modifying the layout settings for each of them.

Some common configuration settings across all layouts allow you to name the layout and add reminder notes. Many of the layouts also allow you to create a page title, add metadata to be used by search engines, and provide you with general information relating to default layouts.

In addition to those settings already mentioned, you can apply viewport(s) to newly created layouts. Refer to Create a new layout instance (cloning) for further information on new layouts. As default layouts apply to all viewports, if you check the Make Default Layout box in your new layout, then viewport options are no longer available.

To access the configuration settings for layouts:

  1. Open the Design page and click the Layout tab.
  2. Select your preferred layout and click either the Layout Settings icon, or the layout name. The settings window for the chosen layout opens.
  3. Customize the layout settings, as required. You can refer to the settings table below for details.

You can also delete any of the layouts by clicking the Delete button located on the bottom left of any of the layout settings. However, given that default layouts cannot be deleted, you may notice that the delete button is not an option for default layouts.

The following table describes the layout settings and shows the layouts to which each setting belongs.

Setting Layout Description
Layout Name All layouts Enter a unique name for the layout.
Notes All layouts Record general notes for internal use.
Page Title



Order Confirmation

All Article layouts


Payer Authentication

Wish List

Order Details

Order History

Scheduled Order


Asset Details

Enter an alphanumeric page title, giving consideration to maximizing the best search engine results.
Page Address


All Article layouts

The page address is appended to the URL for your store to create a link to the page. The page address: cannot contain spaces or special characters, can be used for multiple Article layout page types with various viewport assignments, must be unique for layouts other than the Article layout types, cannot be used simultaneously on a non-Article and an Article layout page type (applies across all Article Layout instances).
Add New Meta Tag






Order Confirmation

All Article layouts


Search Results

No Search Results

Payer Authentication

Wish List

Add details of meta tag attributes, value and content.
Layout Preview – Product ID Product Add the relevant Product ID.
Layout Preview – Collection Collection Select a Collection from the available list, for example, Apparel/Women/Dresses.
Cart Preview


Order Confirmation

Add up to 5 Product ID(s) along with their quantity.
Order Status Checkout Select from the list of order statuses.



All Article layouts

Select a viewport to suit the visible area of the display page.



All Article layouts

Assign layout pages to one or more sites, when running multiple sites from your Oracle CX Commerce instance.
Make Default Layout



Check to make this the default layout.
Display layout to account shoppers only


All Article layouts

Check to confirm this layout is for display to account shoppers only.
SEO Metadata – Meta Description


All Article layouts

Enter a description for SEO metadata that will be useful for search engine results.
SEO Metadata – Meta Keywords


All Article layouts

Enter page content keywords for SEO metadata that will be useful for search engine results.

Assign layouts to sites

When running multiple sites from your Oracle CX Commerce instance, you can assign layouts to one or more sites. Each site corresponds to an individual store and can have its own catalog. See Run Multiple Stores from One Commerce Instance for more details.

To assign a layout to a site:

  1. Click the Design icon and display the Layout tab.
  2. Select the page layout for which you wish to assign sites, and click the Layout Settings icon. (The preceding table highlights which page layouts can be assigned to sites.)

    Note: When you have multiple instances of layouts, using the search box to filter for your preferred layout may avoid excessive scrolling.

  3. Scroll to the Sites option and begin typing the name of your preferred site. A filtered list of matching sites is displayed.
  4. Select the site(s) you wish to assign.
  5. Click Save to confirm your selections.