Upgrade deployed widgets

Widget instances that have been deployed are not automatically upgraded when new versions of the widgets are released. This protects deployed widgets that have been customized from failing if the customizations are not compatible with the upgrades.

In order to use a new version of a widget, you must remove any existing instances of the widget from your page layouts and replace them with the upgraded version. You also need to re-create any template or style sheet customizations for the upgraded widget.

To upgrade a deployed widget:

  1. Make a copy of the template and style sheet code before the existing widget instances are deleted, and save the copy to an external file.

    Note: This code can be used as a reference for editing the new widgets once they are placed in the page layouts.

  2. Log in to the Oracle CX Commerce administration interface.
  3. Click the Design icon.
  4. From the Layout tab, select the page layout that contains the widget you want to upgrade.

    Note: When you have multiple instances of layouts, using the search box to filter for your preferred layout may avoid excessive scrolling.

  5. Click the Grid View icon.
  6. Locate the widget on the page. Click the X icon to delete the instance.
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Components.
  8. Drag the upgraded widget and drop it in the same location as the widget you deleted.
  9. Repeat these steps for all instances of the widget.
  10. Edit the widget to include any modifications made to the previous instance. From the Component tab on the Design page, double click and open the instance in Grid View, click the About tab and click the Go To Widget Code button. Base these changes on the copy you made before deleting the widgets.