Schedule publishing events

You can schedule to publish changes immediately or at regular intervals, for example, nightly.

A scheduled publishing event can include all changes on the Changes page or a subset of selected items.

Click View Schedule to display the Publishing Schedule page. On this page, you can create and view full publishing events. You can also view partial publishing events that you created on the Review and Schedule page.

  • To schedule a full publishing event, click New Event. The procedure is described later in this topic. Important: Be aware that when the event occurs, all changes in the list at the time of the event will be published, regardless of what was in the list when you created the scheduled event.
  • To schedule an event with a partial list of items, use the Selected Changes or Filtered Changes option on the Publish button. For more information, see Select and publish items.

If you are setting up a future publishing event for a partial list of items, note the following:

  • If a full publishing event occurs before your partial publish event, your partial publish event is deleted as all changes will have been published.
  • Other users may schedule partial publishing events that include one or more of your changes. Those changes will no longer be part of your event. The rest of your partial publishing event remains on the schedule.

If an event has already been scheduled for a future date and time that is in conflict with the recurring event you are creating, you receive an error and are not able to schedule the event.

To schedule a full publishing event:

  1. On the Changes page, click View Schedule.
  2. Click New Event.
  3. In the New Publishing Event dialog, enter a name (optional), a start date, and a start time.

    You can use the name later as one of the Filter By options for the Changes list. If you do not enter a name, the system provides a default name, Unnamed Publishing Event, which can also be used as a filter.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you are scheduling a one-time full publish event, set a start date and time, and ensure the Repeat field is set to None. The Stop Time field is disabled.
    • If you are scheduling a recurring event, set a start date and time, and use the Repeat menu to select a time period—hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Optionally, use the Stop Time field to specify the date and time you would like the recurring event to end.

    The date and time you specify here use the time zone you configured on the Location tab on your store’s Setup settings. See Enter basic store information.

  5. Click Schedule. The new event appears on the Publishing Schedule page. On the Changes page, an icon appears on the View Schedule button to notify you of a scheduled event.

A full publishing event includes all items in the Changes list. When the event runs, all subsequent partial publishing events are removed from the schedule.