Select and publish items

Use the options on the Publishing > Changes page to find and publish items you have changed.

A Publish button is located above the Changes list. If there are no items in the Changes list—including catalog configuration line items—the Publish button is not displayed.

When you click the button, a dropdown list containing the following options appears:

  • Selected Changes—publish only the items whose checkboxes you have selected.
  • Filtered Changes—publish the items you have used filters to include in the list. This option publishes all the items in the filtered list regardless of whether their checkboxes are selected or not.
  • All Changes—publish all the items that appear in the list. (Ensure you have no filters selected.)

When you select one of these options, the number of changes that will be published appears next to the Publish menu and can be used to confirm your choice.

Click the Publish button when you have selected the changes you want to publish. The Review and Schedule page is displayed. Tabs at the bottom of the list show your selections and any associated dependencies. Click Publish to publish immediately or set up a future time to publish the changes, adding a descriptive event name if needed.

Note: While your changes are being published, you cannot work with your catalog, design items, dashboard, or settings. A Publish in Progress dialog appears to inform you of this status.

The rest of this topic describes the filtering tools you can use to choose the items you want to publish.

Filter the Changes list

Use the Filter By checkboxes on the left-hand side of the page and the Filter Change List field on the top right side to find the items you want to publish.

Filter By options are as follows:

  • Author
  • Status—edited, imported, new, and deleted.
  • Area—catalog, design, marketing, media, pricing, and settings.
  • Scheduled—not scheduled (changes not scheduled to publish) and scheduled publishing event names. This option is displayed if scheduled events are listed on the Publishing Schedule page.

Select the applicable checkboxes. The list is updated to show only your selected items.

To use the Filter Change List field, begin typing in the field. The list changes to include items that match your criteria.

Sort the Changes list

The sorting options under the Publish button allow you to sort by the date the item was modified: newest or oldest at the start of the list. You can also sort alphabetically by scheduled event name. Items that are not scheduled for publishing appear last if you sort A-Z and first if you sort Z-A.