View changes

To see the changes that are ready to publish, select the Publishing icon, which displays the Changes page.

When you create or update a publishable item, such as a product or a shipping method, the item is automatically added to the Changes page. Depending on the type of item you created or updated, the Changes list might contain additional dependent items that are also published. For example, if you update the description of a shipping method, the Changes list also includes the method’s associated shipping regions, even if you did not make any changes to them. For more information, see Understand dependencies.

Each item in the Changes list displays a circle icon indicating either initials or the number of authors who have made changes to the item since it was last published.

  • If only one author has made changes, the author’s initials appear in the icon.
  • If two or more authors have made changes, the icon displays the number of authors.

Click the initials or number icon to see the names of authors who saved changes to the item since it was last published, as well as the date and time each change was made.