Appendix F: Understand the SyncQuote BML

You must modify the function BML to set the Sync Quote action to run Advanced Modify for the integration.

The following provides the SyncQuote BML used in the integration:

str = "";
for each in transactionLine{
    if (each._model_variable_name <> ""){
        lineItem_array = split(cC_LineItem_Data_t, "|");
        for lineItem in lineItem_array {
            row = split(lineItem, "~");
            if(row[0] == each._document_number){
                str = str + each._document_number + "~cC_CommerceItemId_l~" + row[1]+"|";
                str = str + each._document_number + "~cC_ProductId_l~" + row[2]+"|";
return str;