Appendix G: AddToCartPayload-Cloud

Example of the AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt file.

The following is an example of the AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt file.

// Initialize variables
MODEL_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/model";
CONFIG_ID_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/item/@configurationId";
CURRENCY_CODE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/attributes/attribute[@_variableName='currencyCode']/value";
TOTAL_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/totalPrice";
SPARE_PART_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/part";
SPARE_QUANTITY_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/quantity";
SPARE_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/price";
SPARE_SELECTED_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/spare/rule/item/selected";
BOM_ITEM_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/bomItem";
BOM_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/bomPrice";
DELTA_PRICE_PATH = "/configuration/configureResponse/price/deltaPrice";

CART_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = "$BASE_PATH$/CommerceCloud/AddToCartPayload-Cloud.txt";
SPARE_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = "$BASE_PATH$/CommerceCloud/Recommended_Items_Payload-Cloud.txt";

payload = "";
sparesList = "";
priceTotal = 0.0;
baseModelPrice = 0.0;
totalDeltaPrice = 0.0;
sparePart = String[1];
spareQuantity = String[1];
sparePrice = String[1];
spareSelected = String[1];
singleSpareDict = dict("string");
configDict = dict("string");

// Create array of XML paths:
pathArray = string[];
sparePathArray = string[];

// For Model/Price Properties
append(pathArray, MODEL_PATH);
append(pathArray, CONFIG_ID_PATH);
append(pathArray, CURRENCY_CODE_PATH);
append(pathArray, TOTAL_PRICE_PATH);
append(pathArray, DELTA_PRICE_PATH);

// For BOM Item Property
append(pathArray, BOM_ITEM_PATH);
append(pathArray, BOM_PRICE_PATH);

// For Rec Item Properties (needs its own array)
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_PART_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_QUANTITY_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_PRICE_PATH);
append(sparePathArray, SPARE_SELECTED_PATH);

// Extract data from configXML
pathDict = readxmlsingle(configXML, pathArray);
spareDict = readxmlmultiple(configXML, sparePathArray);

model = get(pathDict, MODEL_PATH);
configId = get(pathDict, CONFIG_ID_PATH);
currency = get(pathDict, CURRENCY_CODE_PATH);
totalPrice = get(pathDict, TOTAL_PRICE_PATH);
bomPrice = get(pathDict, BOM_PRICE_PATH);
deltaPrice = get(pathDict, DELTA_PRICE_PATH);
bomItem = get(pathDict, BOM_ITEM_PATH);

// Convert totalPrice (which is a misleading name) to numeric value, set as baseModelPrice
totalPrice = replace(totalPrice, ",", "");
if (isnumber(substring(totalPrice, 1))) {
	totalPriceNum = getcurrencyvalue(totalPrice, currency);
	priceTotal = priceTotal + totalPriceNum;
baseModelPrice = priceTotal;

// Convert deltaPrice to numeric value, set as totalDeltaPrice
if (NOT(isnull(deltaPrice))) {
	deltaPrice = replace(deltaPrice, ",", "");
	if (isnumber(substring(deltaPrice, 1))) {
		totalDeltaPrice = getcurrencyvalue(deltaPrice, currency);

// Add BOM total price to priceTotal (which is the REAL total price), with the same conversion as the base price
if (NOT(isnull(bomPrice))) {
	bomPrice = replace(bomPrice, ",", "");
	if (isnumber(substring(bomPrice, 1))) {
		bomPriceNum = getcurrencyvalue(bomPrice, currency);
		priceTotal = bomPriceNum + priceTotal;

// Get Recommended Items
for sparepath in sparePathArray {
	if (find(sparepath, "part") <> -1) {
		sparePart = get(spareDict, sparepath);
	elif(find(sparepath, "quantity") <> -1) {
		spareQuantity = get(spareDict, sparepath);
	elif(find(sparepath, "price") <> -1) {
		sparePrice = get(spareDict, sparepath);
	elif(find(sparepath, "selected") <> -1) {
		spareSelected = get(spareDict, sparepath);

// Format Rec Items payload
if (isnull(sparePart)) {
	print("No Recommended Items");
} else {
	spareListSize = sizeofarray(sparePart);
	spareArray = integer[spareListSize];
	i = 0;
	for eachSpare in spareArray {
		if (spareSelected[i] == "true") {
			//Convert price, similar to Base and BOM prices above
			priceString = substring(sparePrice[i], 1);
			priceString = replace(priceString, ",", "");
			if (isnumber(priceString)) {
				sparePrice[i] = string(getcurrencyvalue(priceString, currency));
				priceTotal = priceTotal + atof(sparePrice[i]);
			} else {
				sparePrice[i] = "0";
			// Add basic part fields to dictionary from array dictionary
			put(singleSpareDict, "part", sparePart[i]);
			put(singleSpareDict, "quantity", spareQuantity[i]);
			put(singleSpareDict, "price", sparePrice[i]);
			// Generate template and set values from dictionary
			singleSparePayload = applytemplate(SPARE_TEMPLATE_LOCATION, singleSpareDict);
			// Get Recurring Charge fields
			part_num = sparePart[i];
			partCustomFieldsDict = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5, custom_field4, custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE part_number = $part_num");
			for each in partCustomFieldsDict {
				if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {
					singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload, "{{pricePeriod}}", get(each, "custom_field4"));
					singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload, "{{recurringPrice}}", get(each, "custom_field5"));
					singleSparePayload = replace(singleSparePayload, "{{duration}}", get(each, "custom_field6"));
				} else {
					childPayloadJson = json(singleSparePayload);
					jsonremove(childPayloadJson, "recurringCharge");
					singleSparePayload = jsontostr(childPayloadJson);
			// Add Item to List
			if (sparesList == "") {
				sparesList = singleSparePayload;
			} else {
				sparesList = sparesList + "," + singleSparePayload;
		i = i + 1;

// Get the BOM Items
if (isnull(bomItem)) {
	print "No BOM Items";
	bomItem = "";
} else {
	// Get part numbers for each BOM item, convert to string array for bmql
	bomJson = json(bomItem);

	// Remove extraneous BOM fields (may have to revert if CC was expecting to use them)
	jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..variableName");
	jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..definition");
	jsonpathremove(bomJson, "$..category");

	// Replacing all 0 prices with actual number 0
	bomPriceArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$.._price_unit_price_each");
	replace_lookup = boolean[];
	bomPricesString = jsonarraytostr(bomPriceArray);
	bomPricesString = replace(replace(replace(bomPricesString, "\"", ""), "[", ""), "]", "");
	bomPricesStringArray = split(bomPricesString, ",");

	i = 0;
	for each in bomPricesStringArray {
		append(replace_lookup, isnumber(each));
		i = i + 1;

	i = 0;
	for each in replace_lookup {
		if (i == 0 and each == false) {
			jsonpathset(bomJson, "$.fields._price_unit_price_each", "0");
		elif(each == false) {
			str = "$.children[" + string(i - 1) + "].fields._price_unit_price_each";
			jsonpathset(bomJson, str, "0");

		i = i + 1;

	// Replacing all 0 delta with actual number 0
	bomDeltaArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$.._delta_price");
	replace_lookupDelta = boolean[];
	bomDeltaString = jsonarraytostr(bomDeltaArray);
	bomDeltaString = replace(replace(replace(bomDeltaString, "\"", ""), "[", ""), "]", "");
	bomDeltaStringArray = split(bomDeltaString, ",");

	i = 0;
	for each in bomDeltaStringArray {
		append(replace_lookupDelta, isnumber(each));
		i = i + 1;

	i = 0;
	for each in replace_lookupDelta {
		if (i == 0 and each == false) {
			jsonpathset(bomJson, "$.fields._delta_price", "0");
		elif(each == false) {
			str = "$.children[" + string(i - 1) + "].fields._delta_price";
			jsonpathset(bomJson, str, "0");

		i = i + 1;
	bomItem = jsontostr(bomJson);
	bomPartsArray = jsonpathgetmultiple(bomJson, "$..partNumber");
	bomPartsString = jsonarraytostr(bomPartsArray);
	bomPartsString = replace(replace(replace(bomPartsString, "\"", ""), "[", ""), "]", "");
	bomPartsStringArray = split(bomPartsString, ",");
	bomParts = bmql("SELECT part_number, custom_field5, custom_field4, custom_field6, custom_field8 FROM _parts WHERE part_number IN $bomPartsStringArray");

	// Get path for each part, add recurringCharge to them all
	for each in bomParts {
		partField = "\"partNumber\":\"" + get(each, "part_number") + "\",";
		recurringTemplate = "\"recurringCharge\":{ \"amount\":,\"frequency\":,\"duration\":},";

		if (get(each, "custom_field8") == "Recurring") {
			recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "frequency\":", "frequency\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field4") + "\"");
			recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "amount\":", "amount\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field5") + "\"");
			recurringTemplate = replace(recurringTemplate, "duration\":", "duration\":\"" + get(each, "custom_field6") + "\"");
		} else {
			recurringTemplate = "";
		bomItem = replace(bomItem, partField, partField + recurringTemplate);

	// Handle 0 prices in configuration (this may only fix English users)
	bomItem = replace(bomItem, "\"partNumber\":", "\"catalogRefId\":");
	bomItem = replace(bomItem, "On Request", "0"); 
	// Unflatten
	bomJson = convertbomtohier(json(bomItem));
	bomItem = jsontostr(bomJson);

// Format main template with subcomponents and properties
put(configDict, "commerceItemId", "");
put(configDict, "model", model);
put(configDict, "ConfigId", configId);
put(configDict, "currency", currency);
put(configDict, "totalPrice", string(priceTotal));
put(configDict, "basePrice", string(baseModelPrice));
put(configDict, "deltaPrice", string(totalDeltaPrice));
put(configDict, "ChildItems", sparesList);
put(configDict, "BomItems", bomItem);

payload = applytemplate(CART_TEMPLATE_LOCATION, configDict);
payload = replace(payload, "&quot;", "\"");	// encoding bug on applytemplate

return payload;