Import prices for products and SKUs

The easiest way to add prices to products and SKUs is to export products and, if applicable, SKUs, add prices for each price group to the spreadsheet, and import them back into your catalog.

See Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory for more information.

When you look at the exported spreadsheet, you can see that the second row displays column headings that contain the internal names of the exported properties. Each price group has three column headings:

  • PLG:<id>PriceGroup.ListPrice
  • PLG:<id>PriceGroup.SalePrice
  • PLG:<id>PriceGroup.ShippingSurcharge

In each column heading, <id> is the ID for the price group. For example, the column of list prices for the default price group has the heading PLG:defaultPriceGroup.ListPrice.

Prices for the products or SKUs begin in the third row and continue for the remainder of the spreadsheet. If an item does not have a value for a property, the corresponding cell is blank.

Keep the following in mind when you import prices:

  • Price groups are not dependent on languages (ISO formats) you may translate your store into. Therefore, when you import prices into your catalog, the LOCALE that appears in the fifth column (cell E1) of the import spreadsheet has no effect on the imported prices.
  • If you create a new product via import, it must include a list price for each price group in your catalog, even for price groups that are not yet active.

If you have configured price list group inheritance, note that when you export a product or SKU whose price is inherited from a parent price list group, the prices will display in the spreadsheet as null.