4 View Orders

You can view current orders by clicking the Order # link on the Order Results page for all orders in the system or on the Order History page for a specific customer.

The Order page shows the following information:

  • Order details. The Order Details page is displayed when the order is in Pending Payment status.
  • Order items. Click the image to view the product details page for the item.
  • Shipping details
  • Payment details
  • Order notes
  • Any custom order properties, internal or customer-facing. These properties are read-only.
  • For account-based commerce orders, a Pending Approval page is available for those orders that have exceeded a shopper’s account level purchase limit. A link to return to the account Order Approvals page is provided at the top of the page.

To view an order using an order search:

  1. At the top of the page, click the Orders icon, and complete an order search by entering information in one or more of the fields. Click the Show Advanced Search link if necessary. The Order Results table appears at the bottom of the page.
  2. Click the appropriate link from the Order Number column.

To view an order using a customer search:

  1. At the top of the page, click the Customers icon, and complete a customer search by entering information in one or more of the fields. The Customer Results table appears at the bottom of the page.
  2. Access the order details using either the Orders column link or the Customer Profile page:
    1. In the Orders column, click the number link. The Order History tab appears, displaying the shopper orders.
    2. Click the Details button for the appropriate order.


    1. Click the icon in the Profile column.
    2. On the Customer Profile page, click the Order History tab.
    3. Click the Details button for the appropriate order.