Delete bulk import or export files from repository

Each time a bulk import or export is performed, files are generated and are saved in the publishing queue. These files are not needed by Storefront and the total files size can eventually grow in size to become detrimental to remain in the system.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

If the files for bulk import are uploaded using the files endpoint by passing the {"uploadType" : "bulkImport"} parameter, the files will not be added to the publishing queue and they will be automatically deleted. It is highly recommended that you use this parameter for uploading the bulk import files.

If the files are uploaded without the {"uploadType" : "bulkImport"} parameter, they are saved in the publishing queue. These files are not needed by the Storefront and the total file sizes can eventually grow very large and become detrimental to your system.

To delete these files, contact your Oracle representative to open a Service Request (SR) to being the process of deleting these files. Once your Oracle representative has finished configuration changes, you can delete the files uploaded for import, generated by bulk import, or exported from repository using the deleteFiles endpoint, for example:

POST /ccadminui/v1/files/deleteFiles
Input Example:
   "deletePaths": [
   "recursive": "true"

Note: It is recommended that you delete the files before publishing, so that they are not published. However, you can also delete published files. In this case, these the deleted files will appear in Publishing queue with "DELETE" in red text, and they need to be published. If you are having trouble finding your uploaded files, you may not have imported them to the /import folder. When importing files include the folder name in the filename property in the payload, for the appropriate destination, for example; filename: /import/<filename.csv>