Export and import CSV files

When importing and exporting data, you may want to use CSV files. This allows you to list the data in multiple lines with headers.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The first row of the CSV contains the headers. These headers are used to identify the complete path to the property, since the CSV format supports complete hierarchy of the record.

Understand CSV headers

When working with CSV headers, remember the following:
  1. The top-level properties use the property name as the header name. For example, the property and header name would both be stringProperty1.
  2. A child item uses dot separators to refer to its properties. For example, the property of a child item would be complexProperty.stringProperty1.
  3. When working with list properties, the first header holds the sequence number of each item followed by the individual property. For example:
    listProperty.row#, listProperty.springProperty1, listProperty.numberProperty1
  4. Map properties use the first header to hold the keys of each entry, followed by individual properties. For example:
    mapProperty.key#, mapProperty.stringProperty1, mapProperty.numberProperty1
    Note that each entry in a map or list will be displayed in separate CSV rows. This may make a single record in a CSV file spread across multiple CSV rows.
The following is an example of a list data CSV file with records spreading across multiple rows:
ID listProperty.row# listProperty.id listProperty.property1 listProperty.property2
ID123 0 childpropId1 Property1data1 Property2data1
ID123 1 childpropId2 Property1data2 Property2data2
ID123 2 childpropId3 Property1data3 Property2data3
You can export a CSV file with default headers using the csv in the format parameter. For example:
  "fileName": "profile.json",
  "mode" : "standalone",
  "id" : "Profiles",
  "format" : "csv"
You can export all attributes, including custom attributes by setting the headersList parameter to ALL. The following example shows how to include all headers in a standalone mode:
  "fileName": "profile.json",
  "mode" : "standalone",
  "id" : "Profiles",
  "format" : "csv"{
   "fileName": "profile.json",
   "mode" : "standalone",
   "id" : " Profiles",
   "format" : "csv",
   "params": {
          "headersList": "ALL"
To export a specific list of attributes, use the following format:
   "fileName": "profile.json",
   "mode" : "standalone",
   "id" : " Profiles",
   "format" : "csv",
   "params": {
          "headersList": "firstName,lastName,shippingAddress.postalCode,shippingAddress.country"

You can also use the default list of attributes and include additional attributes by using a '+' sign before the list of additional headers. For example:
   "fileName": "profile.json",
   "mode" : "standalone",
   "id" : " Profiles",
   "format" : "csv",
   "params": {
          "headersList": "+addedfield1,addedfield2,addedfield3.subField1"

If you do not specify a set of headers, the export includes the default set of headers for the Oracle Commerce item.

Note: Custom properties for collections are supported for both CSV and JSON formats.
  1. For JSON export, the custom properties are automatically included.
  2. For CSV export, the headersList should include the required custom property names or they can pass "ALL" (as in the previous example) to get all the custom properties.
  3. During import, the custom properties can be passed in both CSV and JSON format.

Understand the JSON format

A data file in the JSON format contains an array of JSON items, with each JSON item considered to be a data record. The following is an example of a JSON format:
  "products": [
      "displayName": "Product 1 Name",
      "id": "product1",
      "listPrice": 35,
      "childSKUs": [
          "id": "SKU of Product1"
      "displayName": "Product 2 Name",
      "id": "product2",
      "listPrice": 45,
      "childSKUs": [
          "id": "SKU of Product2"
When working with JSON files, remember the following:
  1. A single JSON record can contain the complete hierarchy of data. For example, a profile can have a list of addresses, accounts and create cards, etc.
  2. The record that needs to be updated can include any updated partial data except for maps and lists. If simple properties, such as strings or numbers, are not passed during the update, they will not be reset to null or to 0.
  3. For map and list properties, if an existing entry is not passed during an update, it is deleted. For example, if a profile contains three addresses and only the first two addresses are passed in with the data file, the third address will be deleted.
  4. A simple property value can be set to null so that during an update, it removes the previous value. For example:
      "property1" : null
  5. A list property can be cleared in JSON format by passing an empty array. For example:
      "listProperty1" : []

Default headers for CSV export and import

The following section describes the fields that are included in the header by default when exporting or importing data.

Default headers for accounts

The default header list for accounts contains:

  • id
  • name
  • description
  • type
  • customerType
  • taxReferenceNumber
  • dunsNumber
  • contract.terms.terms
  • contract.displayName
  • contract.description
  • contract.catalog.id
  • contract.priceListGroup.id
  • contract.externalContractReference
  • members.row#
  • members.firstName
  • members.lastName
  • members.id
  • members.email
  • relativeRoles.row#
  • relativeRoles.function
  • secondaryAddresses.key#
  • secondaryAddresses.country
  • secondaryAddresses.phoneNumber
  • secondaryAddresses.address2
  • secondaryAddresses.city
  • secondaryAddresses.address1
  • secondaryAddresses.companyName
  • secondaryAddresses.postalCode
  • secondaryAddresses.id
  • secondaryAddresses.state
  • billingAddress.country
  • billingAddress.phoneNumber
  • billingAddress.address2
  • billingAddress.city
  • billingAddress.address1
  • billingAddress.companyName
  • billingAddress.postalCode
  • billingAddress.id
  • billingAddress.state
  • shippingAddress.country
  • shippingAddress.phoneNumber
  • shippingAddress.address2
  • shippingAddress.city
  • shippingAddress.address1
  • shippingAddress.companyName
  • shippingAddress.postalCode
  • shippingAddress.id
  • shippingAddress.state

Default headers for profiles

The default header list for profiles contains:

  • dateOfBirth
  • middleName
  • receiveEmail
  • lastName
  • locale
  • id
  • lastActivity
  • registrationDate
  • email
  • login
  • firstName
  • shippingAddress.middleName
  • shippingAddress.item-id
  • shippingAddress.lastName
  • shippingAddress.state
  • shippingAddress.address1
  • shippingAddress.address2
  • shippingAddress.address3
  • shippingAddress.companyName
  • shippingAddress.repositoryId
  • shippingAddress.suffix
  • shippingAddress.city
  • shippingAddress.country
  • shippingAddress.postalCode
  • shippingAddress.faxNumber
  • shippingAddress.phoneNumber
  • shippingAddress.county
  • shippingAddress.prefix
  • shippingAddress.firstName

Default headers for products

The default header list for products contains:

  • id
  • displayName
  • description
  • longDescription
  • type
  • keywords.row#
  • keywords.keywords
  • listPrices.key#
  • listPrices.listPrices
  • salePrices.key#
  • salePrices.salePrices
  • shippingSurcharges.key#
  • shippingSurcharges.shippingSurcharges
  • listVolumePrices.key#
  • listVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.row#
  • listVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.quantity
  • listVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.price
  • listVolumePrices.pricingScheme
  • saleVolumePrices.key#
  • saleVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.row#
  • saleVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.quantity
  • saleVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.price
  • saleVolumePrices.pricingScheme
  • parentCategories.row#
  • parentCategories.displayName
  • parentCategories.id
  • productImages.row#
  • productImages.description
  • productImages.url
  • productImages.id
  • productImages.path
  • productImages.type
  • productImages.name
  • primaryImageTitle
  • smallImageURLs
  • primaryLargeImageURL
  • fullImageURLs
  • sourceImageURLs
  • primarySourceImageURL
  • mediumImageURLs
  • largeImageURLs
  • thumbImageURLs
  • primaryMediumImageURL
  • primaryImageAltText
  • primarySmallImageURL
  • primaryFullImageURL
  • primaryThumbImageURL
  • seoUrlSlugDerived
  • seoKeywordsDerived
  • seoDescriptionDerived
  • seoTitleDerived
  • brand
  • defaultProductListingSku.id
  • childSKUs.row#
  • childSKUs.id
  • childSKUs.barcode
  • childSKUs.active
  • childSKUs.bundleLinks.row#
  • childSKUs.bundleLinks.item.id
  • childSKUs.bundleLinks.quantity
  • childSKUs.listPrices.key#
  • childSKUs.listPrices.listPrices
  • childSKUs.salePrices.key#
  • childSKUs.salePrices.salePrices
  • childSKUs.listVolumePrices.key#
  • childSKUs.listVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.row#
  • childSKUs.listVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.quantity
  • childSKUs.listVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.price
  • childSKUs.listVolumePrices.pricingScheme
  • childSKUs.saleVolumePrices.key#
  • childSKUs.saleVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.row#
  • childSKUs.saleVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.quantity
  • childSKUs.saleVolumePrices.complexPrice.levels.price
  • childSKUs.saleVolumePrices.pricingScheme

Default headers for categories

The default header list for categories contains:

  • longDescription
  • categoryImages.row#
  • categoryImages.description
  • categoryImages.url
  • categoryImages.id
  • categoryImages.path
  • categoryImages.type
  • categoryImages.name
  • displayName
  • id
  • fixedChildProducts.row#
  • fixedChildProducts.id
  • seoDescriptionDerived
  • fixedChildCategories.row#
  • fixedChildCategories.id
  • fixedChildCategories.displayName

Default headers for inventory

The default header list for inventory contains:

  • preOrderLevel
  • backorderThresdhold
  • displayName
  • skuNumber
  • backorderLevel
  • availabilityStatus
  • availableToPromise.quantity
  • availableToPromise.availableDate
  • availableToPromise.quantityWithFraction
  • availableToPromise.inventoryId
  • preorderThreshold
  • availabilityDate
  • locationId
  • stocklevel
  • stockThreshold

Default headers for promotions

The default header list for promotions contains:

  • template
  • templateName
  • templatePath
  • endDate
  • displayName
  • sites.row#
  • sites.id
  • sites.name
  • audiences.row#
  • audiences.id
  • audiences.displayName
  • audiences.deleted
  • audiences.enabled
  • global
  • templateValues.no_of_items_to_discount
  • templateValues.discount_value
  • templateValues.discount_type_value
  • templateValues.sort_order
  • templateValues.no_of_items_to_buy
  • templateValues.spend_value
  • templateValues.sort_by
  • templateValues.discountStructure
  • templateValues.gwpItem.autoRemove
  • templateValues.gwpItem.giftType
  • templateValues.gwpItem.giftId
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.includedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.includedCategories.includedCategories
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.includedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.includedProducts.includedProducts
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.excludedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.excludedProducts.excludedProducts
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.excludedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.excludedCategories.excludedCategories
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.includedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.includedSkus.includedSkus
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.excludedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.excludedSkus.excludedSkus
  • templateValues.condition_psc_value.sameAsCondition
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.includedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.includedCategories.includedCategories
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.includedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.includedProducts.includedProducts
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.excludedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.excludedProducts.excludedProducts
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.excludedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.excludedCategories.excludedCategories
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.includedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.includedSkus.includedSkus
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.excludedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.excludedSkus.excludedSkus
  • templateValues.optional_offer_psc_value.sameAsCondition
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.includedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.includedCategories.includedCategories
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.includedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.includedProducts.includedProducts
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.excludedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.excludedProducts.excludedProducts
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.excludedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.excludedCategories.excludedCategories
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.includedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.includedSkus.includedSkus
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.excludedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.excludedSkus.excludedSkus
  • templateValues.offer_psc_value.sameAsCondition
  • templateValues.PSC_value.includedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.PSC_value.includedCategories.includedCategories
  • templateValues.PSC_value.includedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.PSC_value.includedProducts.includedProducts
  • templateValues.PSC_value.excludedProducts.row#
  • templateValues.PSC_value.excludedProducts.excludedProducts
  • templateValues.PSC_value.excludedCategories.row#
  • templateValues.PSC_value.excludedCategories.excludedCategories
  • templateValues.PSC_value.includedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.PSC_value.includedSkus.includedSkus
  • templateValues.PSC_value.excludedSkus.row#
  • templateValues.PSC_value.excludedSkus.excludedSkus
  • description
  • priority
  • type
  • excludedPromotions.row#
  • excludedPromotions.id
  • priceListGroups.row#
  • priceListGroups.id
  • translations.items.row#
  • translations.items.description
  • translations.items.displayName
  • translations.items.lang
  • id
  • startDate
  • shippingMethods.row#
  • shippingMethods.shippingMethods
  • stackingRule
  • parentFolder.row#
  • parentFolder.id