Copy an existing audience

Creating a new audience based on an existing one lets you easily create a number of similar audiences and lets you reuse audiences that successfully met your needs in the past.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

When you copy an existing audience, the following values are automatically copied to the new audience:

  • Audience Display Name

    By default, this value will be set to the name of the audience that was copied, followed by (Copy). For example, New Students (Copy).

  • Audience Description
  • Rules

When you copy an existing audience, the following values are not copied to the new audience:

  • Audience ID

    A new audience ID is generated from the new audience display name. For example, a display name of New Students (Copy) generates an ID of NewStudentsCopy.

  • Enabled status

    When you copy an audience, the new audience is automatically enabled even if the source audience was not enabled.

To copy an existing audience, follow these steps:

  1. On the Marketing page, click Audiences.
  2. Click the row of the audience to copy and then click Copy.

    Click anywhere in the row except on the link that is the audience name. Clicking that link opens the existing audience.

  3. Edit the Audience Display Name.

    After you finish editing and move to another field, the Audience ID automatically fills with an ID generated from the Audience Display Name.

  4. (Optional) Edit the automatically generated ID in the Audience ID field. You can edit an ID until you click Create.

    Just like when you create an audience, an ID can only contain alphanumeric characters. It cannot contain spaces, special characters, or non-Latin characters.

  5. Edit the Audience Description, Enabled Status, and any rules that you want to change for the new audience.
  6. Click Create and then click Save.