Update an audience

You can update an audience by changing the display name or description, or by adding, editing, or removing rules. You cannot change an audience ID.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

To update an audience, follow these steps:

  1. On the Marketing page, click Audiences.
  2. (Optional) Change the view by clicking All Audiences and selecting another view.
  3. Click the audience that you want to update.
  4. Edit the Audience Name or Audience Description fields. The Audience ID field is read-only.
  5. Add a rule by clicking New Rule just like you do when you initially create an audience. See Create an audience.
    An audience can have a maximum of 100 rules.
  6. Edit a rule by clicking Edit next to the rule that you want to edit. Before you begin making changes, note the following.
    • If you change the Category, then the Attribute field is reset for attributes that are appropriate for that category. The rest of the rule is removed.

      If you changed the Category by mistake, cancel the edit to avoid having to enter the attributes again.

    • If you change the Attribute, then the Operator field is reset for operators that are appropriate for that attribute and the Value field is cleared.

    Click Done when you are finished.

  7. Click Save.

Changes to the audience name and description take effect for use in the audience definition interface. Rule changes do not go live until you publish them. See Publish Changes.