Create an item discount promotion

An item discount promotion discounts one or more qualifying items.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Oracle Commerce includes the following types of item discount promotion templates:

  • Get Item Discount automatically discounts one or more qualifying items without requiring the shopper to make any other purchases. For example, 20% Off All Kids’ Backpacks.
  • Spend Y in X Get Item Discount discounts one or more qualifying items when the shopper spends a specified amount in specified product areas. For example, Spend $100 in Back-to-School Fashions, Get 20% Off Kids’ Backpacks.

You can create a promotion that discounts one of more items when a customer spends the specified amount anywhere in your store (Spend Y Get Item Discount) by specifying that shoppers can spend the minimum amount on any item. For example, Spend $100, Get 20% Off Kids’ Backpacks. See Enter condition and offer information for details.

Each item in a shopper’s cart can be discounted by only one item discount promotion, even if it qualifies for more than one item discount. Item discount promotions are evaluated in order of priority, with low priority numbers applied first. Item discount promotions that have the same priority have no guaranteed evaluation order. For example if a shirt qualifies for three item discount promotions, and all three promotions have the same priority, there is no way to be certain which promotion will be applied to the shirt when a shopper places it in her cart.

To create a new Get Item Discount or Spend Y in X Get Item Discount promotion:

  1. On the Promotions page, click New Promotion and select Get Item Discount or Spend Y in X Get Item Discount.
  2. Enter the name, description, and price groups for the promotion. See Enter general promotion information for details about each field.
  3. Enter condition and offer details for the promotion. See Enter condition and offer information for details about each field. See Sample item discount promotion for an example that explains how different condition and offer settings can affect the discount.

    Note: The Get Item Discount promotion has no buy condition.

  4. On the promotion’s Availability tab, define the promotion’s lifecycle and enter information that determines when the promotion is active and usable. See Enter promotion availability information for details about each field.
  5. (Optional) Specify promotions that cannot be combined with this one. See Exclude promotions for more information.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Create a coupon code that customers must provide to redeem the promotion. See Add a coupon code to a promotion for more information.

Sample item discount promotion

This section describes a promotion called Summer Skirt Sale. When a shopper spends $100 anywhere in the Bags and Luggage collection, the promotion discounts one skirt by 25%. The items to include and exclude for offer are the same as items in buy condition. At least one qualifying item must be purchased. The discount order is least expensive item discounted first and the promotion uses list prices to sort the discount order. The promotion discounts a maximum of one item.

A shopper’s cart contains the following items:

  • One backpack, list price $100
  • One skirt, list price $100, on sale for $75
  • One skirt, list price $200, on sale for $50

The backpack fulfills the promotion condition. The discount is applied to the skirt that costs $75, not to the one that costs $50, because the less-expensive skirt has a higher list price.