Improve performance in REST API Calls

You may be able to improve performance by coding REST API calls in a way that minimizes the size and number of response from the server.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

There are specific query parameters provided in support of this, and we recommend that use them wherever they are applicable. Avoid using multiple endpoint calls where a bulk option exists, for example, fetching data per SKU instead of per product, which for some endpoints would give data for all child SKUs of that product. As discussed in the section that follows, consider a review of your code.

Review code for possible bulk operation on endpoints

To potentially improve performance, review your endpoint calls to check for code that invokes the same endpoint multiple times and consider using a bulk version for that given endpoint.

For example, you can make one call with a comma-separated list of product IDs, as shown in the example below:


You could do this instead of making individual calls, as shown below:


For more information, see REST API query parameters.