Monitor your Commerce environments

External monitoring of your Commerce environment, while permitted, should be used carefully.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

External monitoring of your Commerce environments is permitted. Oracle reserves the right to remove or disable access to any tools or technologies that are, in Oracle's judgement, impacting the performance or the availability of the Commerce Service or your own Commerce environments. External monitoring performed by you does not replace or supersede Oracle's own monitoring for availability measurement and SLA calculation purposes.

Recommendations for effective monitoring

While monitoring generally generates a low level of traffic to your site, minimizing it is still worthwhile from a performance perspective. Configuring the monitoring tool to make HTTP HEAD requests instead of GET or POST requests can minimize the impact monitoring. Also, choose reasonable monitoring intervals such as 1 or 5 minutes.

Use tools that have multiple, geographically spread out monitoring hosts to help you separate out issues with reachability of the Commerce service from a given location from issues with the Commerce service itself. Given the complexity of the Internet there are many reasons why Commerce could be temporarily unreachable (or reachable with delays) from a single, specific location while Commerce is still available to the rest of the globe and is running without issues. Examples of this type of reachability issue include local ISP outages or outages with Public DNS services.