Configure account-based shoppers

You can allow a prospective account-based shopper to request registration of a new account on your store.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Enabling this feature lets a shopper submit an account registration request for a new account by providing required business details. The information is reviewed by an administrator from the merchant side after the shopper submits the required details, and, if needed, the administrator may request additional details such as credit checks. The registration request is then either approved or rejected. If the request is approved, the new contact for the account is activated.

To configure the account-based shoppers feature, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon, then select Shopper Settings.

    When running multiple sites from your Oracle Commerce instance, your configurations will be applied by site. Choose a site from the site picker at the top of the Settings menu options.

  2. Click from the Settings list.
  3. Select Account-based Shoppers - Allow requests to register a new business Account
  4. Click Save.

The following provides additional details on what happens if this feature enabled:

  • The Accounts page of the administrator user interface now includes a Registration Requests tab. This area lets you view, search, and work with account registration requests. For further details, refer to Configure Business Accounts.
  • A Register for an account link appears on the Log In dialog box that is launched from the Contact Login (for Managed Accounts) element of the Header widget. Clicking the link displays a new business-to-business registration request form dialog that the registrant fills in.
  • The Store API for submitting a registration request can return a successful status.

The following provides additional details on what happens if this feature is disabled:

  • The Register for an account link does not appear on the Log In dialog box that is launched from the Contact Login (for Managed Accounts) element of the Header widget.
  • If a prospective shopper is in the process of filling out a Register form and submits it, they see the “Account registration is not available” error.
  • If there are registration requests with statuses of New, Review, More Info Needed, or Rejected, the Registration Requests area remains in the Accounts area of the UI.
  • If there are no registration requests with statuses of New, Review, More Info Needed, or Rejected, the Registration Requests area is hidden.
  • The Store API to submit a registration request returns the error, “Account registration is not available.”

Note: To enable the store user interface to allow account-based shoppers to submit an account registration request, make sure you have a Contact Login element to the Header widget in your site Home layout. For further details, refer to Create Page Layouts that Support Different Types of Shoppers.