Configure shopper registration

You can configure shopper registration so that a shopper does not create a password on the storefront, but instead completes registration by clicking a secure link in an email your store sends to an email address the shopper provides.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

This section describes how to enable and configure the secure registration flow for shoppers. This feature is enabled by default for all new Commerce customers, starting with Release 20.1.0. To support backward compatibility, the feature remains disabled if you upgraded to this release from Commerce 19.5.9 or earlier, though you can follow the procedures in this chapter to enable and configure secure registration flow.

Understand secure shopper registration

Prior to Commerce 20A, a shopper who created a new account entered a name, email address, and password as part of the registration request on the storefront. Now, when the secure shopper registration flow is enabled, a shopper enters just a name and email address, then submits the request. Commerce creates a shopper profile with an auto-generated password and sends a New Account email with a secure, tokenized link. The shopper clicks the link, then enters new password details to complete the registration.

When the secure registration flow is not enabled, a shopper who tries to create a new account using an email address from an existing shopper profile sees a warning that the email address is already associated with an account. When the secure registration flow is enabled, Commerce does not display a warning, but sends a Forgotten Password email with a secure, tokenized link. You can customize the Forgotten Password email template with text that explains that the email address is already assigned to an account.

Similarly, if your store supports account-based commerce and a shopper tries to submit a new account-registration request with an email address from an existing personal account, Commerce no longer displays a warning that the address is already associated with a shopper profile.

Enable the secure registration flow

To enable the secure registration flow, use the /ccadmin/v1/merchant/profilePolicies endpoint in the Admin API to set the enableProfileRegistrationEmailCheck property to true. For example:

PUT /ccadmin/v1/merchant/profilePolicies  HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

  "enableProfileRegistrationEmailCheck": true

See Use the REST APIs for information you need to know before using the APIs.

Configure email templates

To implement the secure registration flow, you must enable the Forgotten Password and New Account emails. If you are upgrading from release 19.5.9 or earlier, you must download the latest versions of these email templates. The latest version of the New Account template includes code to render the tokenized link and additional strings to support the new registration flow. The latest version of the Forgotten Password template includes code that displays a new customizable string if a shopper tried to register with an existing email address.

Once you have downloaded the templates, customize them and then upload them. See Customize Email Templates for more information.

Update widgets

To implement the secure registration flow, make sure your layouts include the latest version of the Login Checkout/Registration element. To replace a component with the latest version, see Upgrade deployed widgets.