Upload media files

You can upload individual files to the media library or you can compress media files in a ZIP file, which you then upload to Commerce.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

You can name media files so they are automatically assigned to products or collections in your catalog.

This section includes the following topics:

Automatically assign images to products and collections

You can format image-file names so that they are automatically are assigned to products and collections in your catalog when you upload them.

Format file names for product and collection images as follows:



  • <product_id> is the product’s Product ID property. See Create and work with products for more information.
  • <collection_id> is the collection’s Collection ID property. See Create collections for more information.
  • <name> is the descriptive name portion of the file.
  • <file_type> is the file extension. Only JPG/JPEG, PNG, and GIF files can be automatically assigned to products and collections.

For example, suppose you want to assign several images to a pair of boots whose product ID is xprod2102. You could upload the following files:


Keep the following in mind when you name media files to upload:

  • A file cannot be assigned to a product or collection if a file of the same name is already assigned to it.
  • The file name is case-sensitive. For example, the system considers xprod030.rattanchair.jpg and xprod030.Rattanchair.jpg to be two different files.

Product IDs are case sensitive. xprod030 and XPROD030 are different product IDs.

You can also import assignments in bulk for images that you have already uploaded. See Import image assignments for more information.

Upload individual images

You can upload individual JPG/JPEG, PNG, and GIF files to the media library. You can name media files so they are automatically assigned to products or collections in your catalog once they are uploaded. See Automatically assign images to products and collections for more information.

To upload a single image:

  1. On the Media page, select the type of media files to upload. Select Products, Collections, or General.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Select an image to upload.

    You can upload only one image at a time. To upload multiple images at once, see Upload multiple media files.

    If you select a file with the same name as a file you already uploaded, the new file replaces the existing one.

  4. Click Save.

Upload multiple media files

To upload a number of media files at once, compress them in a ZIP file, then upload the ZIP file to the media library. Commerce scans the ZIP file for viruses and checks to ensure it contains only allowed file types. (You can upload only GIF, JPG/JPEG, PNG, SWF, SVG, and PDF files.) You can name media files so they are automatically assigned to products or collections in your catalog once they are uploaded. See Automatically assign images to products and collections for more information.

Note: Each ZIP file cannot be larger than 1GB. If your upload times out, check the ZIP file to make sure its size is 1GB or smaller.

To upload the ZIP file:

  1. On the Media page, select the type of media files to upload. Select Products, Collections, or General.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Find the ZIP file to upload and click Open.

    Depending on the size of the ZIP file, this process could take some time to complete. Remember that the ZIP file you upload must not be larger than 1GB.

    When the upload is complete, the Upload Media dialog displays the total number of new and changed files, errors, and files assigned to products or collections. To see a complete report for the upload in CSV format, click Download Full Report.

    If you upload a file with the same name as a file you already uploaded, the new file replaces the existing one.