Deleting job sequences

Deletes a job sequence. A successful response returns a message indicating the job sequence was deleted.

Service URL

DELETE {host}/api/cx-unity-api/flows/{flowid}

Path parameters

  • flowId - The Flow ID of the job sequence to delete.

Request parameters


Response parameters



flowName Name of the job sequence.
flowId The job sequence ID.
description The description of the job sequence .
versionTS Timestamp when the job sequence was created.
active Whether the job sequence is active. Job sequences must be active before they can be started.
lastModifiedBy Timestamp when the job sequence was last updated.
createdTS Timestamp when the job sequence was created.
createdBy ID of the user who created the job sequence.

Nested schema: jobs



id Name of the job created.
jobId ID for the job created.
type Job type.
description Description of the job.
depends Array that lists job dependencies.

Nested schema: schedule

Scheduling job sequences is optional. See Scheduling job sequences for more information.



cronExpression The date and time the job sequence is scheduled to run, represented as a Cron Expression.

Nested schema: notification

Email notifications are optional. See Configuring job sequence notifications for more information.




Possible values

list array Array of email addresses. The email addresses specified here will receive email notifications when individual jobs succeed and fail, and also when the entire job sequence succeeds and fails.  
onlyFailure boolean Flag to enable sending email notifications for failure notifications only. If set to true, the email addresses specified will be notified when individual jobs in the sequence fail, and when the entire sequence fails. The default is false.
  • true

  • false

onlySummary boolean Flag to enable sending email notifications for job sequence summary notifications only. If set to true, the email addresses specified will be notified when the entire job sequence succeeds and fails. The default is false.
  • true

  • false


Delete a flow with the flow ID = Sequence5.

DELETE {host}/api/cx-unity-api/flows/Sequence5


  "message": "Successfully deleted the job sequence.",
  "status": "SUCCESS"

Error responses

No job sequence found with flowId = Flow1: This message appears if the specified flowId does not exist. Ensure the flowId exists, and try again.

  "type": "",
  "title": "System Error",
  "detail": "No job sequence found with flowId = Flow1.",
  "o:errorCode": "InvalidFlowException",

[Delete job sequence, job sequence delete, remove job sequence]

Learn more

Job sequences

Managing job sequences

Viewing job sequence run details