Oracle Unity Glossary



AOV represents Average order value. It calculates the average dollar value of orders.


An attribute is a single piece of data in a data object. For example, the First Name attribute is in the Customer data object and the State attribute is in the Address data object.

ClosedAttribute Group

An attribute group is an optional organizing entity that has a number of similar attributes. You can create and manage them in the data model. Attribute groups can only contain attributes from the same data object. It is not possible to group attributes from multiple data objects.

ClosedAuthentication Key

The authentication key provides the login credentials to access a data source from an SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) server.


ClosedBehavioral (Object Group)

The behavioral object group lists the group of data objects in the data model related to customer actions, such as the event object, social engagement object, and so on.

ClosedBounce Rate (Email)

Bounce rate (email) is a metric that calculates the percentage of emails that are not delivered successfully out of the total number of email marketing messages that are sent. For example, if you sent 100 emails and 2 were not delivered successfully, then the bounce rate is 2%. This includes hard bounces, which are emails that permanently could not be delivered, and soft bounces, which are emails that temporarily could not be delivered.


ClosedCharacter Set

The character set is the format of text in a file, such as Unicode (UTF-8) or Western European (ISO-8859-1).

ClosedChild (Data) Object

When creating a relationship, the child data object cross-references with the parent data object to ensure the two data objects are properly linked.

ClosedClick Rate

Click rate is a metric that calculates the percentage of email links clicked out of the total number of emails sent. For example, if you sent 100 emails and 10 email links were clicked, the click rate is 10%.

ClosedClick to Open Rate

Click to open rate is a metric that calculates the percentage of email links that were clicked out of the total number of emails that were opened. For example, if you sent 100 emails, 40 of them were opened, and 10 email links were clicked, the click-to-open rate is 25%.

ClosedClustering Rules

Clustering rules are criteria to create smaller groups of customer records when comparing data. Rather than trying to find duplicate records by comparing every single customer record, clustering rules allow you to compare smaller sets of records more quickly and efficiently.

ClosedConcatenation Transformation

Concatenation transformation is a task to combine values to create a new attribute. For example, you could concatenate the Last Name attribute and the First Name attribute and store it in an attribute called Full Name.


The count is the number of customers that match the criteria within a single condition or across all the conditions inside a segment.


ClosedData Density

Data density is a percentage of records that have values for an attribute. You want to ensure all your data model attributes have a high percentage for data density (90% or higher).

ClosedData Enrichment

The data enrichment section in the segment creation page displays additional attribute data that is imported from third-party data sources, such as Oracle Data Cloud.

ClosedData Feed

A data feed defines how to import and export data.

ClosedData Model

The data model is the comprehensive list of data objects and attributes used to manage customer data.

ClosedData Object

A data object is a group of attributes. Data objects can be linked through relationships.

ClosedData Type

Data type represents the format of data stored in an attribute.


Deduplication is a task to match and link duplicate customer records. This task is a part of ID resolution.



An event is a single action taken by a customer. For example, opened an email, liked a review, clicked an sms message, and so on.


ClosedField Delimiter

Field delimiter is the character that divides the fields in a file. The available options are comma (,), semi-colon (;), or pipe (|).

ClosedField Mapping

The field mapping section inside an ingest job configures how incoming source fields are mapped to data model attributes. A sample file needs to be uploaded to generate the source fields.


ClosedGet Count

The get count link generates an updated number of customers that match the criteria within a segment.


A group is a visual tool that allows you to organize a set of conditions within a segment.


ClosedHash Transformation

A transformation type of Hash will transform the data from the incoming file into a hash value. Hash transformations can be used for attribute values such as email addresses. You can only use the hash transformation for data that has the String data type.



The ID is the name used for the database table column for an attribute.

ClosedIdentity Resolution

Identity resolution is a task to create a master list of customer records through deduplication, merge, and promotion. This job matches up customer data across multiple sources and ensures that customer records are not duplicated. This data is stored in the master entity data object, MasterCustomer.

ClosedIngest Job

An ingest job is a task to retrieve data from an external source. When creating an ingest job, you need to specify the source of the data, complete field mapping, and schedule the job.

ClosedIntelligent Attribute

An intelligent attribute is an attribute that aggregates data from multiple attributes. For example, average order value, most frequently purchased product category, and email engagement score. These can be used in segmentation.


ClosedMaster Customer

The master customer data object is the comprehensive list of customer records from the data model. This list is created by applying deduplication and promotion rules to ensure customer records are not duplicated.

ClosedMaster Entity

A master entity is a data object in the data model that stores unified records. The output of deduplication, merge, and promotion of source records are stored in corresponding master entities. Examples of master entities are Master Customer, Master Account, and Master Product.

ClosedMy Data

The my data section in the segment creation page has all the data objects and attributes from your data model.


ClosedObject Group

An object group is a group of related data objects in the data model. Available object groups are profile, behavioral, transactional, product, and other. Data objects can belong to only one object group but can be moved to other object groups at any time.

ClosedObject ID

Object ID is the database name of the data object. You cannot edit the object ID after creating and saving a new data object.

ClosedObject Name

Object name is the name you give to a new data object. This name will be used to identify the data object in all parts of the application.

ClosedOpen Rate

Open rate is a metric that calculates the percentage of emails that were opened out of total number of emails that were sent. For example, if you sent 100 emails and 20 were opened, the open rate is 20%.

ClosedOpted In

Opted in is a metric that calculates the number of customers that have subscribed to receive marketing messages.

ClosedOpted Out

Opted outis a metric that calculates the number of customers that have unsubscribed and chosen to no longer receive marketing messages.

ClosedOracle Data Cloud (ODC)

Oracle Data Cloud is a third-party data source you can use to import data. It provides a range of demographic and behavioral attributes. Learn more about the Oracle Data Cloud.


ClosedParent-Child Relationship

The parent-child relationship defines how relationships operate. The data object that is identified as the child (the foreign key) cross-references with a unique attribute in another data object identified as the parent. This ensures the two data objects are properly linked.

ClosedParent (Data) Object

When creating a relationship, the parent data object is cross-referenced by the child data object to ensure the two data objects are properly linked.

ClosedPersonalization Attribute

Personalization attributes are used by marketing orchestration platforms such as Oracle Responsys to personalize messages sent to customers. You can export segments to a marketing orchestration platform and package certain attributes to be sent along with the segment. These attributes would be used to create the personalized messages.

ClosedProduct (Object Group)

The product object group lists the group of data objects in the data model related to product catalogs, such as the subscription object, category object, and so on.

ClosedProfile (Object Group)

The profile object group lists the group of data objects in the data model related to a customer, such as the customer object, address object, and so on.


Promotion is a task to merge attribute values of source records and promote the optimal value to the master record attribute. For example, you can promote the optimal value of attributes such as first name, last name, address, and gender to a master entity. This task is a part of ID resolution.

ClosedPublish Changes

When you publish changes, you commit all pending changes made within the account. These changes are permanent and cannot be reverted.



A relationship allows you to link multiple data objects. When you use relationships, you ensure the data between the two data sources is properly linked. You cannot edit or delete relationships after they are published.

ClosedResource Name

Resource name is the object property that the API uses to access a data object. This can be changed at any time.



A segment is a group of customers created from a number of attributes, data objects, and other segments.

ClosedSmart Data

The smart data section in the segment creation page has customized attributes and segments that are created by aggregating data from your data model. The data in this section is created by tracking customer behavior and profile characteristics.


A source is a location where you are importing data from. For example, a source could be an SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) server for an ingest job. The configuration of the source is used to retrieve data for ingest jobs.

ClosedSource field

A source field or field is a granular piece of data from an external source. When creating an ingest job, source fields are linked to data model attributes in the field mapping section.

ClosedSource Object

A source object is a file that is added when creating or editing a data feed. This file has source fields that are mapped to attributes in the data model.

ClosedStatic (Lookup) Transformation

Static (Lookup) transformation is a task to change values from the source field to a new value in the data model attribute. For example, you may want to transform a string from source field Gender to a single character in the data model attribute Gender. So you could map the value of the incoming field Male to use the value M, Female to F, Non-binary to X, and so on.



The target column on the events page displays the source of the event. For example, email, video, phone, and so on.

ClosedTransactional (Object Group)

The transactional object group lists the group of data objects in the data model related to customer transactions, such as the order summary object, order item object, and so on.


Transform or Transformation is a task to modify the data that is imported. This function can be found in the field mapping section when creating an ingest job. For example, you can use concatenation transformation to combine the first name source field and last name source field to create a data model attribute called full name.


ClosedURL Transformation

URL transformation is a task to transform the data from the incoming file into a URL transform. A URL transform concatenates a set of key-value pairs using an ampersand character, which can then be used in URL personalization. For example, if your incoming fields are Last_Name and First_Name, and you give them a key name of lastname and firstname, then the URL transform stored in data model attribute Full Name would be in the format firstname=First_Name&lastname=Last_Name.