Data viewer operators

When setting filters in the Data viewer, you have the option of using the following operators.

String and Text data type

The following operators are case insensitive.

  • Matches
  • Does not match
  • Matches regex (regular expression)
  • Does not match regex (regular expression)
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Begins with
  • Does not begin with
  • Ends with
  • Does not end with
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty

Number data types (for example, integer or decimal)

  • Matches
  • Does not match
  • Between
  • Not between
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Begins with
  • Does not begin with
  • Ends with
  • Does not end with
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty

Date and timestamp data types

Note: When viewing data for attributes that have the data type date or timestamp and operators that include months (for example, in the next month or in the past two months), the number of days will be calculated by multiplying the number of months by 30. For example, in the next six months will be calculated as (6 x 30 = 180 days).

The date data type operators are categorized By calendar date and By #days/weeks/months. The timestamp data type operators are categorized By calendar date and By #days/weeks/months/hours.

When selecting By calendar date, you will need to select either one or two dates depending on the operator. If you select Is empty or Is not empty, you do not select dates since the operator only detects if a value exists for the attribute.

When selecting By #days/weeks/months or By #days/weeks/months/hours, you need to select an additional input field that determines if you are calculating by days, weeks, months, or hours.

By calendar date

  • On
  • Not on
  • Between
  • After
  • On or After
  • Before
  • On or before
  • Not on or before
  • Not on or after
  • Not between
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty

By #days/weeks/months/hours

  • In the past
  • In the next
  • Before the past
  • After the next
  • Not before the past
  • Not after the next
  • Not in the past
  • Not in the next
  • Today
  • Not today

Boolean data type

Attributes with the boolean data type have two input fields that need to be completed.

First input field

  • Matches
  • Does not match

Second input field

  • True
  • False

Learn more

Viewing data object records

data viewer, operators, filters, viewing data