Viewing data object records

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You can view records of data objects from the Data viewer page.

  • For masked attributes, all user roles, except for the Instance admin user role, will see as the value for a masked attribute. Instance admin users will view the attribute's real value. Learn more about Masking data.
  • If an attribute is masked and has an empty/null value, it will still show as a masked value "****".
  • When viewing timestamp values, please note the times are converted from the imported timestamp value, which are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), into your local time zone.

To view data object records:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Click Data viewer. The Data viewer page opens.
  3. Use the drop-down list to select or search for a data object by name or description.
  4. An image of the Data viewer page

Note: You can also visit the Data viewer page by clicking the the Action menu (An image of the action button. Use it to open the action menu.) for the data object on the Data model page and selecting View records.

The records for the data object will display. You can then create filters and define column settings to narrow your search results.

Creating filters

You can create filters to define conditions on the records you want to view. You can view a maximum of 200 records.

To create filters:

  1. Click Filters An image of the filters button. The Filters dialog displays.
  2. An image of the Filters button

  3. If you are viewing a partitioned data object such as Order, you have the option of filtering records based on monthly partitions. We recommend configuring this filter as it improves query performance. The default value will filter records that have matching partition values depending on the partition strategy of the data object: The past three months for monthly partition strategies or the last year for yearly partitions. You can update the default values by selecting from available partitions or entering partitions in the format: yyyyMM (monthly partions) or yyyy (yearly partitions). Learn more about Partitioning.
  4. An image of filters for partitioned data objects

  5. Use the drop-down list to select or search for attributes by name or description.
  6. An image of the attributes drop-down list

  7. When done selecting attributes, click Add An image of the Add button.
  8. An image of the Add button

  9. For each attribute, select an operator to define a filter. Learn more about Data viewer operators.
    • An image of filter operators

  10. After selecting an operator, define conditions for each attribute. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings. If the attribute has lookup enabled and you select an applicable operator (Matches, Does not match, Contains, Does not contain), you can select values from a list instead of having to enter them manually, eliminating the possibility of entering values incorrectly. Learn more about Attribute lookups.
  11. An image of filter conditions

    • If the filter has more than one filter criteria, then it will meet "all" of the conditions for each attribute.
    • If an attribute has more than one condition value, then the filter will meet "any" of the condition values.
  12. To remove an attribute or condition, click X.
  13. An image of the Remove attribute button

  14. When done creating filters, click Apply.
  15. An image of the Apply button

Managing column settings

After selecting a data object, the following columns (attributes) will display by default: ID, Source ID, Source (name of data object) ID, Row Created Timestamp, Row Modified Timestamp. You can update these settings to view any attributes from the data object. You can select to view up to 50 columns (attributes).

To manage column settings:

  1. Click Column settings An image of the column settings button. The Column visibility settings dialog displays.
  2. An image of the Column settings button

  3. Click the checkboxes for columns you want to view. If needed, use the search field to look for columns.
  4. An image of the checkbox to view/hide columns

  5. When done selecting columns, click Apply.
  6. An image of the Save button

When done defining filters and column settings, click Refresh to refresh the list of records.

Saving filter and column settings

After configuring the filters and column settings for the data object, you can save these settings as saved searches.

Learn more

Saving data viewer searches

Data objects


data viewer, records, view records, viewing data, view individual records, how to view data, how to view records