Saving data viewer searches

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After configuring filters and column settings for data objects, you can save them for re-use later. Any saved searches you create are not available to other users.

Note: When viewing data objects, the last saved search you used with that data object will be automatically applied.

To save a data viewer search:

  1. After following the steps for creating filters and managing column settings, enter a name for the saved search in the Select or create saved search field and press the Enter key. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
  2. An image of the Save button

  3. Click Save.

You can access the saved search from the drop-down list for Select or create saved search.

An image of the drop-down list for saved filters

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Viewing data object records

Data objects


data viewer, viewing records, viewing data, saving filters, save filter results, how to save filters