Accessing data for Next Best Action models

After Running training and scoring jobs that calculate values for output attributes, you can do one of the following to access the data.

  • Create an export job and select the MasterCustomerRecommendation data object to export. You can then review the values in the output attributes.
  • Sample data for the model outputs can be viewed using the Data viewer page. You can view a maximum of 200 records from a data object.
  • An image of the Data viewer

To verify and review with an export job:

  1. Follow the steps for Creating export jobs.
  2. When you get to Step 2: Data payload, for Payload type, select Data object.
  3. In the field for Data object, select MasterCustomerRecommendation.

When the data object is exported, review the following output attributes.

Data object Attribute Description
MasterCustomer Recommendation PromotionID The unique identifier for the promotion.
MasterCustomer Recommendation CategoryID The unique identifier for the category.
MasterCustomer Recommendation MasterCustomerID The unique identifier for the customer.
MasterCustomer Recommendation SourceID The unique identifier for the source.
MasterCustomer Recommendation SourceMasterCustomerID The unique identifier for the customer originating from the source.
MasterCustomer Recommendation SourceMasterCustomerRecommendationID Provided by the Next best offer model. It is a concatenation of MasterCustomerID, PromotionID, and CategoryID.
MasterCustomer Recommendation Rank The rank calculated by the module once scores are generated by the model.
MasterCustomer Recommendation Score Scores that are generated by the recommendation model, which is the estimated event strength predicted by the model based on the data provided.

To verify and review using the Data viewer page:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Select Data viewer.
  3. Use the drop-down menu for Select or search for data object and select MasterCustomerRecommendation.
  4. An image of the object selector

  5. Click Filters An image of the filters icon. The Filters dialog displays.
  6. An image of the filters button

  7. Use the drop-down menu to select or search for the following attributes.
  8. Data object Attribute Description
    MasterCustomer Recommendation PromotionID The unique identifier for the promotion.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation CategoryID The unique identifier for the category.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation MasterCustomerID The unique identifier for the customer.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation SourceID The unique identifier for the source.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation SourceMasterCustomerID The unique identifier for the customer originating from the source.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation SourceMasterCustomerRecommendationID Provided by the Next best offer model. It is a concatenation of MasterCustomerID, PromotionID, and CategoryID.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation Rank The rank calculated by the module once scores are generated by the model.
    MasterCustomer Recommendation Score Scores that are generated by the recommendation model, which is the estimated event strength predicted by the model based on the data provided.
  9. Click AddAn image of the Add button.
  10. An image of the Add button

  11. Use the drop-down menu for the output attributes and select the Is not empty operator.
  12. An image of filter operators

  13. Click Apply.
  14. Click Column settingsAn image of the column settings button.
  15. An image of the column settings icon

  16. Click the checkbox for the output attributes to display them.
  17. An image of the column settings window

  18. Click Apply.

You can review values for up to 200 records.

Learn more

Viewing data object records

Creating export jobs

data science, data science model, analyze data, how to analyze data, how to analyze data science models, how to analyze data science profiles, next best action, nba