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Using Taxonomy Permissions to Share your Data

Taxonomy permissions allow you to share (whitelist) categories in your taxonomy with a specific partner. The shared (permissioned) categories appear in the buyer's taxonomy tree and can be used for targeting, optimization, modeling, or analysis when they log in to the Oracle Data Cloud platform. You receive revenue based on data usage and the rate you negotiate with the buyer or set within the rate card tool. Taxonomy permissioning, along with audience sharing, facilitate the second-party marketplace in the Oracle Data Cloud platform. While audience sharing lets you share a single, discrete audience, taxonomy permissioning lets you share category-level information with your trusted partners.

Taxonomy permissioning provides the following benefits for DMP clients and data providers:

Tip: If your agreement with a buyer changes or ends, you can edit or delete the taxonomy permission.

In this topic

Getting started with taxonomy permissions

Before you can create taxonomy permissions, work with your buyer to negotiate a purchase contract, and then set up a rate card.

Creating taxonomy permissions

You can create a taxonomy permission to share (whitelist) specific portions of your taxonomy with a buyer in real time at a precise, granular level.

Best practices

To create taxonomy permissions:

  1. Navigate to Manage > Taxonomy Permissions (under Taxonomy Management) and then click Create New.
  2. In the Selected Recipients field, select the buyer for the data. Begin typing the client name of the buyer; a drop-down list of valid buyers displays for you to select from.
  3. From the Permissioning Type list, select Modeling, Targeting, and Analytics, Targeting and Analytics, or Analytics Only.
  4. In the Your Taxonomy area, click the triangle icons as needed to expand the taxonomy path (tree nodes) and view the available data verticals and categories that you can share. Alternatively, you can click Expand All to expand all the nodes in the tree.
  5. Click one or more node icons, changing their color from red to green, to share those categories with the buyer. If you click a node by mistake, click again to hide (blacklist) the category. Make sure you share only the specific categories in your taxonomy that the buyer is purchasing. Nodes are hidden (blacklisted) by default and appear with a red icon. This table explains the status icons used for each node and sub-node in the tree:
    PermissionedThe category or node and all children, if applicable, are visible and purchasable by the buyer.
    Not permissionedThe category or node is not visible and cannot be purchased by the buyer.
    Category is not permissioned but at least one child category is permissionedThe category is hidden (blacklisted), but at least one child category is shared (whitelisted). The category is not displayed in the buyer's taxonomy, but the shared children are displayed.
    Category is permissioned along with at least one child categoryThe category is shared (whitelisted) and at least one child category is shared. The category and any shared child categories are displayed in the buyer's taxonomy.
  6. Click Save. The categories become visible to the buyer in 15-60 minutes.

The following figure shows an example of shared categories. Category 1, Subnode 1A, and Subnode 3A are shard; Category 3 is not shared.

Taxonomy Permissions

Editing a taxonomy permission

After creating a taxonomy permission, you can edit it to change your selections.

To edit a taxonomy permission:

  1. Navigate to Manage > Taxonomy Permissions.
  2. To delete a permission, select the check box next to the permission, then click Delete.

    Warning: After you delete a permission, any active campaigns using that data continue to run until the categories expire.

  3. To copy a permission and use it as a starting point for a new permission, select the check box next to an existing permission, then click Copy. Fill in the fields for the new permission and click Save. Click Refresh to update the page and show your new permission.
  4. To edit a permission, select the check box next to the permission, then click Edit. The Your Taxonomy area displays your taxonomy hierarchy with your currently selected permissions.
  5. Click the triangle icons as needed to expand the taxonomy (tree nodes representing categories). Alternatively, you can click Expand All to expand all the nodes in the tree at once.
  6. Click one or more category icons to change their status from shared (green) to hidden (red), or from hidden to shared. Make sure you share only the specific categories in your taxonomy that the buyer is purchasing.
  7. Click Save to save your selections. Your changes take effect in the buyer's taxonomy view in 15-60 minutes.

Viewing taxonomy permission details

The Taxonomy Permissions index page shows the shared (whitelisted) and hidden (blacklisted) categories that you defined, or that Oracle Data Cloud client support defined for you. Any category that you have not shared is hidden (blacklisted).

To view your existing taxonomy permissions:

  1. Select Manage > Taxonomy Permissions (under Taxonomy Management).
  2. The Taxonomy Permissions page lists each buyer and a list of the taxonomy permissions.
    Image of the Taxonomy Permissions page listing existing permissions
Property Description
ID The unique ID assigned to the taxonomy permission
Provider The ID and name of your partner seat in the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Buyer The ID and name of the client or data buyer for the taxonomy permission
Created A timestamp indicating when the taxonomy permission was created
Updated A timestamp indicating when the taxonomy permission was last modified

Each buyer name is a link. Click the link to see the specific selections in your taxonomy for the permission.


Managing your taxonomy

Creating categories

Creating classification rules

Second-party data marketplace

Taxonomy partner permissions API