Viewing your Taxonomy

You use the Taxonomy Viewer page to view detailed information about the first- and second-party categories in your private taxonomy and third-party categories in the Oracle Data Marketplace.

You can also select one or more categories in your taxonomy and download them to a tab-separated value (TSV) file. The procedure for downloading categories in Taxonomy Viewer is the same as for Taxonomy Manager. See Downloading categories for instructions.

To view your taxonomy:

  1. Select Manage > Taxonomy Viewer. The Taxonomy Viewer page is displayed.
  2. To view a category's details, locate it in the taxonomy tree in the left-hand pane and click on it. Its ID, name, description, path, and reach are displayed in the Basic Information section.

Category Details

Field Description
ID The unique ID assigned to the category by the Oracle Data Cloud platform
Name The name given to the category
Path The full taxonomy path of the category
Description The summary associated with the category
Category Reach The number of users in the category