Bulk Sync Supplier Profiles

You can use Oracle DataFox bulk sync to update supplier profiles with the latest firmographics and intelligence data.

To set bulk sync frequency and view the history of the enriched supplier profiles, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Oracle Procurement Cloud > Bulk Syncs. It’s good practice to set the sync frequency based on the number of supplier profiles.

Bulk syncs are incremental. Each sync includes only those synced profiles that are updated in DataFox since the last sync. For example, you set the bulk sync frequency to enrich up to 10,000 supplier profiles and 4000 profiles are updated in DataFox in a day. During bulk sync, DataFox enriches those 4000 supplier profiles with the latest data. If no profiles are updated in DataFox since the last sync, then bulk sync will not enrich any supplier profiles that day.

Bulk Sync History

In the Bulk Sync History section, you can see the total number of enriched supplier profiles, who initiated the sync, and the sync status. You can also see when the sync was scheduled and completed, displayed in your local time. When the sync is complete, you see a link to a diagnostic report in the section. Click the link to download a CSV file with details of the bulk sync.

  • A Success Report confirms the enrichment of all supplier profiles.

  • An Exception Report provides troubleshooting information if some supplier profiles couldn’t be enriched.

    The exception report may include supplier profiles with pending changes or spend authorization requests.

Bulk Sync Errors

If supplier profiles aren’t enriched during bulk sync, you can check the errors in the bulk sync exception report and resolve them. Here are some examples of sync errors, their details, and the steps you can take to resolve them.

Error Details Resolution
An error occurred during the data import. Details: This error occurred while importing data: This supplier profile is locked for editing as a spend authorization request is pending approval. You can't make this change at this time. (POZ-2130453). Supplier profiles with pending spend authorization requests are locked. These profiles are not enriched during bulk syncs until the requests are resolved. You need to wait until the record is unlocked. After the request is approved and the record is unlocked, it’s enriched in the next scheduled bulk sync.
An error occurred during the data import. Details: This error occurred while importing data: You must opt in to Manage Supplier Risk with DataFox Supplier Intelligence when you provide a value for DataFox ID. (POZ-2130543). If you don't complete the setup steps in the Procurement application, and connect to DataFox to set up bulk syncs, this error occurs. You need to complete the setup steps in the Procurement application, connect to DataFox, and set up bulk syncs. For details, see Setup Steps in Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement.