Data Diagnostics Report

Oracle DataFox uses algorithms to inspect your company records for anomalies before enriching data. The algorithms match your records with DataFox company profiles and highlight data inconsistencies and duplicate records. You can get match reports in CSV format from matching projects you create in DataFox.

Let’s walk through the categories in which data is diagnosed.

  • Unmatched or Irregular: No high confidence match is found for this company record

  • Duplicate: Two or more records exist for the same company

  • Verified: Company records with categories Matched and Probable Match that are high confidence matches without data anomalies

You can find the detailed status of these categories in the Bucket column of a match report. Here are the details of the different buckets.
  • Matched: Match is found with a high score for this supplier.
  • Not_Matched: No match is found with a high score for this supplier.
  • Bad Input: No match is found with a high score because of data anomalies.

This screenshot shows the match rate assessment for sample company records in a pie chart.

Image shows different categories of match rate assessment in a pie chart

This screenshot shows match rate assessment for the unmatched records.

Image shows match rate assessment of unmatched records in a pie chart

Let's understand each of these categories.

Unmatched or Irregular Anomaly

This table details the issues in the unmatched and irregular anomaly category. You can find this diagnostics type listed as Unmatched in the pie chart and Irregular in the CSV report.

Issue Name (Pie Chart) Issue Name (CSV file) Description Example Action
Email Provided Not Matched Email The report highlights URLs that look like email addresses to prevent incorrect matching of companies such as Google, Yahoo or any other major email domain provider.
  • Company name: Blue Semiconductor


  • Company name: First Software Email:

Edit and update the URL to resubmit for matching or ignore the error. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the error.
NA Human Matching Because of a low confidence score, an Oracle DataFox analyst is required to review and confirm the match for this issue type. This issue type if applicable, is mentioned only in the CSV report.
  • Company name: PennyPack Systems

    URL: www. redirects to

  • Company name: Large and Associates

    URL redirects to

Edit and provide the correct information or ignore the error. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the error.
Invalid Name Invalid name The company name is incomprehensible.
  • BNA c/o

  • Hamilton + Partners

  • VidaXL (SH)

  • POL

Edit and provide the invalid name to resubmit for matching or ignore the error. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the error.
Invalid URL Invalid URL Corrupt or incorrectly formatted URL that doesn’t direct to a company website.
  • http:

  • http://visioncorporation.ccom

  • http:''

  • no url

  • n-a

Find correct URLs and then resubmit to Oracle DataFox for matching or skip the records. Your company isn’t matched if you skip the record.
Name and URL Mismatch Mismatched Query Data Oracle DataFox detects cases where the company name points to one company and the URL points to another. Often, these cases are just fine, but they’re flagged so you can decide how to handle them.
  • Company name: Fantastic Laptops


  • Company name: Spruce Street Foods


Check the results and determine whether you want Oracle DataFox to match to the company name or to the URL. If not, ignore the error. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the error.
No URL Provided, Name Only Match Fail Missing URL The company record contains a common name but doesn’t include a web link.
  • Company name: Green Corp.

    URL: NA

Edit and provide the URL to resubmit for matching or ignore the error. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the error.

No URL Match

No URL Match The URL for this company record doesn’t match any Oracle DataFox company URL NA Check if the URL is correct. If it’s correct, raise a request to get the company added.

Parked Domain

Parked Domain

Oracle DataFox’s matching algorithm detects if the URL redirects to a parked domain.

Identifying parked domains can also indicate if a company has gone out of business or changed its URL domain.

  • redirects to

  • redirects to

Edit and update the URL to resubmit for matching or ignore the error. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the error.

Shortened URL

Shortened URL

Sometimes, company records contain a URL shortcut, rather than the company's actual URL.


Find the correct URL and then submit to Oracle DataFox for matching or ignore these records. Your company isn’t matched if you ignore the record.

Vanity URL

Vanity URL

Identifies organizations that maintain a profile and classifies them as vanity URLs. Vanity URLs indicate if a company is small or has a minimal web presence.
  • Vanity profile for Seven Corporation

  • Vanity profile for PennyPack Systems

Check the results. In some cases, the Vanity URL is replaced by the actual company website URL. In other cases, it's an obscure company without its own website.

Duplicate Anomaly

You can find the records marked as duplicate in both the CSV and pie chart reports. This table details the issues in the duplicate anomaly category.
Issue Name (Pie Chart) Issue Name (CSV file) Description Example Action
Name Duplicate, No match Name Duplicate Two or more different companies share the same name. Here’s the list of scenarios when duplicate name issues occur.
  • Duplicate records for the same company.

  • Different companies with the same name.

  • Fake placeholder names.

  • Three records named as First Software

  • Multiple companies named as Big Computers

  • Multiple records are named XYZ, No Name, NewCo, or Test.

  • Link or merge the records in your application.

  • Ignore. There's nothing wrong.

  • Find the correct name of the company or flag the records as dubious.

NA Name and URL Duplicate Two different company records share the same name and URL.
  • Name: Blue Semiconductor


  • Name: Blue Semiconductor


Merge or link the company records.
NA Post-match Duplicate Some company records are duplicates even if the company names and URLs appear to be different. This may occur if the same company has multiple names and URLs. Oracle DataFox company profiles store all the names and domains and hence, it’s possible to detect the post-match duplicates.
  • Spruce Street Foods


  • Spruce Foods


For example, the system knows and are owned by Spruce Street Foods, and Spruce Foods is a division of Spruce Street Foods.

Link or merge the records in your application.
NA Redirected URL Duplicate Oracle DataFox matching algorithm detects if a given URL redirects to an entirely different URL or to the same URL in another record. and both redirect to

Link or merge the records in your application.
URL Duplicate, No match URL Duplicate Two or more companies have the same URL domains. Spruce Street Foods and Spruce Foods both have the same URL domain Link or merge the records in your application.


Your company records can return without any anomalies and pass as verified. You can find these records only in the CSV report. Here’s the list of scenarios when your company records are classified as verified.

Scenario Description Example Action
Auto Matched Your record matches with an Oracle DataFox record with a high confidence score. Input name, Tall Manufacturing Inc. is matched with the Oracle DataFox name, Tall Manufacturing No action necessary. Your record is ready to be enriched with Oracle DataFox info.
Matched By Humans Your record passed the anomaly tests, but the company records didn’t match an Oracle DataFox company profile with high confidence score. Either the company record points to more than one company or Oracle DataFox needs to create a company profile.

Input name, TM Software is matched with the Oracle DataFox name, Tall Manufacturing

No immediate action is necessary. These scenarios require a specialist to look at the records and verify.
Already Matched Company records are matched and rematched multiple times. This status implies that the record was matched earlier during a prior matching process, and no anomalies were detected. Input name, Oracle is matched with the DataFox name, Oracle No action is needed.