Review the Match Report

After matching suppliers with companies, DataFox generates a report with the matching results. Here’s how you can download and review the report:

  1. In the DataFox app, click your user name, and then click Settings.
  2. Click Matching & Linking.
  3. On the All Projects page, click the project that you created.
  4. On the project details page, click Download Match Report to download the file with the matching results.

    Here are the columns in a match report and their descriptions:

    Column in Excel Name of the Column Description
    A id Supplier ID.
    B status Status of the supplier matching. It can have these values:
    • Verified
    • Unmatched
    • Duplicate
    C score The DataFox confidence score. A score more than 0.5 is considered a match.
    D duplicate group If DataFox matches a company with more than one supplier, then all these suppliers are categorized under one duplicate group.
    E datafox_id Unique ID of the DataFox company that matched with the supplier.
    F Datafox Name DataFox company name.
    G Matched-on Name The matched company’s former name, alias, legal name, or acronym. It specifies why DataFox matched the supplier with a company that’s different from the supplier name in Procurement or the input CSV file.
    H Datafox Street1 Address of the DataFox company.
    I Datafox City City in which the company is located.
    J Datafox State State in which the company is located.
    K Datafox Zipcode Zipcode in which the company is located.
    L Datafox Country Label Country in which the company is located.
    M Datafox Country Code Code of the country where the company is located.
    N DataFox URL The company’s URL in DataFox.
    O DataFox Profile URL The URL of the profile that DataFox assigned to the company.
    P DataFox Description The description of the company in DataFox.
    Q Exit Status The exit status of the company as available in DataFox.
    R Number of Employees The number of employees in the company as available in DataFox.
    S Revenue The revenue of the company as available in DataFox.
    T Industry The industry that the company belongs to.
    U Subindustry The subindustry that the company belongs to.
    V Primary NAICS Code The primary NAICS code of the company.
    W Parent ID The parent company’s ID.
    X Parent Name The parent company’s name.
    Y Global Parent ID The ID of the global parent company.
    Z Global Parent Name The name of the global parent company.
    AA Domestic Parent ID The ID of the domestic parent company.
    AB Domestic Parent Name The name of the domestic parent company.
    AC Potential Match DataFox ID The ID of the company that’s a potential match for the supplier.
    AD Potential Match Name The name of the company that’s a potential match for the supplier.
    AE Potential Match URL The URL of the company that’s a potential match for the supplier.
    AF Potential DataFox Company Profile URL The URL of the company’s DataFox profile that’s a potential match for the supplier.
    AG bucket Detailed status of the matching. It can have these values:
    • matched
    • not_matched
    • bad input
    AH name Name of the supplier in the source CSV file or Procurement.
    AI url URL of the supplier in the source CSV file or Procurement.
    AJ notes Any other notes or comments added in the source CSV file.
    AK street1 Address of the supplier in the source CSV file or Procurement.
    AL city City in which the supplier is located in the source CSV file or Procurement.
    AM state State in which the supplier is located.
    AN country Country in which the supplier is located.
    AO zipcode Zipcode in which the supplier is located.

For details on the match report, see Data Diagnostics Report.

After you review the match report, you can make changes to the matches DataFox found. If you don’t have any changes to make, you can publish the matches to Procurement. All the matches with Verified status are published and the suppliers are linked with the matched companies. For details on publishing matches, see Publish Matches to Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement.

Make Changes to the Matches

While reviewing the match report, check if you need to modify any matches that DataFox made. Here are some examples of the types of edits you can make in the match report:

  • Remove duplicate suppliers: Filter the duplicate group column in the match report to find duplicate suppliers. Any supplier record with duplicates is categorized under one group with a unique ID, for example, D4. After you filter and find duplicates of a supplier, you can delete the rows in the match report to remove the duplicates.
  • Verify the potential matches: Check for suppliers in the Probable Match bucket and verify if you want to match them with the companies DataFox found. Check the columns Potential Match name and Potential Match URL. If you want to confirm the match that DataFox has found, copy the Potential Match DataFox ID value and paste it in the datafox_id column.
  • Find matches for unmatched suppliers: Check for suppliers in the Unmatched bucket and see if you want to match them with any companies. In DataFox, search for and find the companies that you want to match to your suppliers. Copy the company’s DataFox ID field value and paste it in the datafox_id column of the match report.
  • Modify the matches that DataFox found: Verify and change any other matches that DataFox made. In DataFox, search for and find the companies that you want to match to your suppliers. Copy the company’s DataFox ID field value and paste it in the datafox_id column of the match report.
  • Select the suppliers to sync: Select the suppliers you want to sync if you don’t want to enrich all the suppliers that DataFox found a match for. You can delete the rows in the match report that you don’t want to publish to Procurement.

After you edit the match report, publish the matches to Procurement. To do this, you need to create a Link Records project and publish the matches from the new project. You need to prepare a CSV file for the link project using the datafox_id and name columns in the match report. For details, see Link Records.

For details on how to publish the matches, see Publish Matches to Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement.

Make Changes in the Procurement Application

You can use the match report to clean your supplier profiles. Here are some of the changes you can make:

  • Use the Duplicate Group column to identify duplicate suppliers and delete them.
  • Modify supplier names based on the matches DataFox finds.
  • Use the Potential Match URL column and add corporate website details.