User Roles and Privileges

This table describes the roles in Oracle DataFox and the privileges associated with each role.

Role Privileges
  • View and search company profiles

  • View and search signals

  • View scores of the criteria set assigned to the member

  • Create, upload, and share lists

  • Set up signal alert preferences on lists

  • View roles assigned to the team

  • View scoring criteria sets

  • View users in the account


An admin has all the privileges of a member.

  • Create and edit scoring criteria sets

  • Assign scoring criteria sets to users

  • Set a default criteria set

  • Build different list reports with different scoring criteria sets as the filter

Account Owner or Service Admin
Note: To change your account owner, you need to raise a service request in My Oracle Support.

The account owner has all the privileges of an admin and a member.

  • Transfer a deleted user's owned lists

This table describes the roles in Oracle Identity Cloud Service that DataFox users need along with their privileges.

Role Privileges
User Administrator
  • Add and remove users

  • Assign and change user roles

  • Assign users to the DataFox admin or member groups

  • Update users' details

  • Enable password reset for users

  • Add applications and APIs that integrate with DataFox, in IDCS

Identity Domain Administrator Identity domain administrator has all the privileges of a user administrator.
  • Assign users to the DataFox admin group, member group, and the IDCS_Administrator group
  • Perform single sign-on related tasks in Oracle Identity Cloud Service

You can also assign users to the IDCS_Administrator group to provide them the same set of privileges as an identity domain administrator.
Security Administrator
  • Add and remove users

  • Assign and change user roles

  • Assign users to groups

  • Update users' details

  • Enable password reset for users

  • Perform single sign-on related tasks in Oracle Identity Cloud Service

For details on adding users and assigning roles, see Manage Users Using Oracle Identity Cloud Service.