Archiving, Unarchiving, and Deleting Viewpoints

You can archive an active viewpoint if you no longer need it. After a viewpoint is archived, you can return it to an Active status or you can delete it.


  • You must have Owner permission on a view in order to archive, unarchive, or delete a viewpoint in that view.
  • A viewpoint must be archived before you can delete it.
  • When you archive a viewpoint that is the source or target of a subscription:
    • If the viewpoint that you are archiving is the source viewpoint in a subscription, the system displays a warning before you archive it.
    • Subscriptions that use that viewpoint are automatically ignored and will not generate subscription requests. When you unarchive the viewpoint, subscriptions are no longer ignored and are returned to their previous state (Enabled or Disabled).
  • In order for an archived viewpoint to be deleted, it cannot not have any of these dependencies:
    • It cannot be bound to a dimension.
    • It cannot have any active subscriptions (as either the source or target viewpoint), compare profiles, or public extracts defined for it. Private extracts do not prevent a viewpoint from being deleted; they are deleted along with the viewpoint.
    • It cannot have any requests that are not in Completed status.

To archive or unarchive a viewpoint:

  1. From the Viewpoints tab of the View inspector, click Edit.
  2. Perform an action:
    • To archive: In Status, select Archived, and click Save.
    • To unarchive: In Status, select Active, and click Save.

To delete a viewpoint:

  1. From the Viewpoints tab of the View inspector, click Filter filter and select Show Archived to display archived viewpoints.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Actions column for an archived viewpoint, click Action action, select Delete, and then click Yes.

    If the viewpoint still has an active dependency (see the Considerations section, above), a message is displayed that identifies the issue. Take the appropriate action to resolve the dependency (for example, delete extract or subscription definitions, delete or complete active requests, or bind the dimension to a different viewpoint) and try your action again.

After you delete a viewpoint, it is no longer displayed on the Views page or the Viewpoints tab of the View inspector. You can create a new viewpoint with the same name as the deleted viewpoint. Request and audit history will continue to display history for the deleted viewpoint.