Binding a Viewpoint to a Dimension in Tax Reporting Applications

Tax Reporting applications support binding a viewpoint to a single external dimension. If you create an alternate viewpoint that you want to bind to the external dimension instead, you can edit the binding to point to the alternate viewpoint by taking the following steps.

For more information, see:

  1. From Applications, find the application containing the viewpoint.
  2. In the application's Actions column, click Browse button, then select Inspect
  3. Select Dimensions, and then click the name of the dimension to which you are binding the viewpoint.

    The dimension inspector is displayed.

  4. Select Bindings, and click the binding to associate with the alternate viewpoint.
  5. Click Edit.

    The View and Viewpoint drop-down lists become active.

  6. From View, select the view containing the viewpoint you want to bind to the dimension.
  7. Select the viewpoint.
  8. Click Save.