
The property data type enables you to select the properties of a node. For property transformations, because the node type of the source node is known, only the properties for that node type are displayed. However, when displaying properties for derived properties, because the node type is not known, all of the properties that are valid for the application are displayed.

The data type of the property that you select determines how the property can be used in an expression:

  • Properties with any data type can be referenced in an expression.
  • Properties with any data type except for Memo and Timestamp can have their values derived or transformed.

After you select a property, the data type of that property determines the methods and attributes that can be selected for that property. For example, the name property is a string, and you can select any of the methods and attributes for strings. The Custom.Allow Posting property is a Boolean, and therefore you can only select the not method.

You can create expressions that reference derived properties for parent, ancestors, allAncestors, boundAncestors, boundLocations, and locations. After selecting one of these terms in your expression, the list of properties that can be referenced for that term includes properties which have a derived value for the application or node type (the current property is included in the list for parent only). See Derived Properties.

You cannot reference derived properties for children, previousSibling, nextSibling, or siblings.

When calculating the value of a property, you cannot reference the value of the same property in a node collection, such as children or siblings.


The expression builder prevents you from creating an expression that includes circular references (for example, Property A is based on Property B, but the expression to derive Property B references Property A). If a circular reference is detected, the expression term is outlined in red and a validation message is displayed that indicates the problem.