Using Lookup Sets in Expressions

Lookup sets enable you to transform an input value to an output value in an expression. For example, you can create a lookup set that transforms the values "A", "L", and "O" in an account type property field to the values "Asset", "Liability", and "Owner's Equity".

See Working with Lookup Sets.

To use a lookup set in an expression, select the lookup set that you want to use, select find, and then specify the lookup value that you want to search for in the lookup set. By default, if the lookup value is not found, the search value is passed through and returned. You can disable the pass through to return a null value instead.


Use Disable Passthrough with the orElse function to return a specified value when a lookup value is not found in a lookup set.

For example, the expression lookupSets.Account Type.find("A", true).orElse("Not Found") will search the Account Type lookup set for a value of "A", and if it is not found it will return "Not Found".

  1. From the palette, drag lookupSet to a return block in the editor.
  2. Click the dot next to the lookup set, and select the lookup set that you want to use. Only those lookup sets that contain lookup values for the current application are displayed.
  3. Click the dot next to the name, and select find.
  4. In the find string, enter a literal value or specify a property for a node as the lookup value. For example, Account Type.
  5. Optional: In Disable Passthrough, select True to return a null value if the lookup value is not found.