Sequence Data Type Parameters

Setting Description

Starting Value

The initial starting value for the sequence.

Note: This is not a minimum value. Although all subsequent derived sequence values will be greater than this initial starting value, you can manually define a sequence value less than the Starting Value.

Step Value

The step by which to increment the sequence. For example, if your Starting Value is 1000 and your Step Value is 5, the next sequence value will be 1005.


Total length (0-40) of the sequence value to be zero padded up to, with 0 meaning no padding is added. For example, if you set the Padding to 10 and your sequence value is 7 digits long, three zeroes are prepended to the value to get to 10 places.

Last Sequence Value

Displays the most recent value for the sequence, or N/A if no sequence values have been generated for this property.

You can manually enter the last sequence value, and you can reset it back to the initial starting value for the property. See Viewing, Editing, and Resetting Sequence Values.

Sequence data type properties are formatted as numeric strings. That is, they support integer values up to a maximum length of 40 characters.

Sequence data type properties do not support positional inheritance or a Default Type other than None.