Viewpoint Properties File Format

This topic describes the format of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets used to load properties to a viewpoint.

The permissions file must be an Excel file with a sheet named Properties.


The file can contain other sheets. For example, when you download properties the file contains a sheet named Summary with summary information. This summary sheet is informational and is not required for upload.

Properties Sheet Format


  • All header records must be included in the file, in the order specified below.
  • There must be a record in the file for each visible property in the viewpoint.
  • If a property in the file is not a visible property for the viewpoint, the row is skipped.
  • If there are multiple records for the property in the file, the first record in the file is processed. Any subsequent records are skipped and marked with a skipped status and a corresponding message.

Header Columns

  • Property (Required): The fully-qualified name of the property (for example, CoreStats.Parent)
  • Label: Custom label for the property in the viewpoint
  • Description: Custom description for the property
  • Display as Column: Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE) to designate whether the property should be displayed as a column in the viewpoint. See Configuring How a Viewpoint Displays Properties.
  • Display for Locations: Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE) to designate whether the property should be displayed in the Locations tab in the viewpoint. See Configuring Locations Tab Properties.

Status Columns

  • Status: System reserved column that displays the status of the property (Success or Skipped) after you upload it.
  • Message: System reserved column that displays an informational message on properties that were skipped.