Registering Tax Reporting Application Settings and Dimensions

Use these steps to register application settings and dimensions for Tax Reporting applications.

To define application settings and register dimensions:

  1. Define the Tax Reporting application settings:
    Field Description Effects of Application Setting

    Is this application Multi-Currency?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports multi-currency.

    For more information about this setting, see Working with Multiple Currencies in Administering Tax Reporting .

    Enables the Rates cube for Custom dimensions

    Creates these properties:

    • Override FX Translation Method
    • FX Rates - Global Account Rate Override
    • NIBT FX Override Account


    Enter the currencies that the application supports. You must enter at least one currency in order to proceed to the next registration step.


    Is CbCR Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Country by Country Reporting.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Enables the CbCR cube for Custom dimensions

    Creates the Alias:CbCR Filing alias.

    Is Current Tax Payable Automation Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Current Tax Payable Automation.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Enables the Config cube for Custom dimensions

    Creates the Current Tax Payable Automation property.

    Is Deferred Tax Expense to Equity Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Deferred Tax Expense to Equity.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Creates the DefExpToEquity property.

    Is Interim Provision Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Interim Tax Provision.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Adds the TRCS_InterimForecast scenario in the Scenarios field.

    Creates the AEETRGlobalEntity property.

    Is Net Operating Loss Automation Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Net Operating Loss (NOL) Automation.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Enables the Config cube for Custom dimensions

    Is Ownership Management Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if Ownership Management is enabled in the application.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Creates the NCI Account property.

    Updates smart list values.

    Is Pillar Two Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if Pillar Two is enabled in the application.

    For more information about this setting, see Working with Pillar Two in Administering Tax Reporting

    Enables the Config cube for Custom dimensions

    Creates these properties:

    • Deferred Tax Movements Pillar Two
    • PillarTwoEntity
    • Automation Source Movement Pillar Two
    • PillarTwoCurrency

    Updates smart list values.

    Is Safe Harbor Enabled?


    This option is available only when Is Pillar Two Enabled? is selected.

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Safe Harbor rules.

    For more information about this setting, see Working with Transitional Safe Harbor Rules in Administering Tax Reporting

    Updates smart list values.

    Is Weighted Average Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports Net Operating Loss (NOL) Automation.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Creates these properties:

    • WARSourceAccount
    • Weighted Ownership Account

    Is Scenario - Entity Tax Rate Change to Equity Enabled?

    Select this checkbox if the application supports the Scenario - Entity Tax Rate Change to Equity feature.

    For more information about this setting, see Enabling Application Features in Administering Tax Reporting

    Creates {Scenario}_RC properties, where {Scenario} is the name of each scenario. For example, Actual_RC.



    This option is available only when Is Scenario - Entity Tax Rate Change to Equity Enabled? is selected.

    Enter the scenarios for your application.

    The Actual scenario is added by default.

    If you selected the Is Interim Provision Enabled?checkbox, the TRCS_InterimForecast scenario is added.

    Enter the Additional Alias Tables

    Enter any additional alias tables for the application.


    Additional Smart Lists

    Enter any additional smart lists for the application.

  2. Register the dimensions.

    To register one or more dimensions, click Add, and then enter the following information:

    Field Description


    Enter a dimension name.

    The value you enter becomes the name of the viewpoint, node set, hierarchy set, node type and dimension in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud.


    Name is a display name in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud only. The External Dimension Name gets exported to Tax Reporting.

    The external dimension names for dimension types other than Custom are fixed to the dimension type (for example, Account). For Custom dimensions, you enter the external dimension name. See External Dimension Name , below.


    Optionally enter a dimension description.

    Dimension Type

    Select the dimension type:

    • Account
    • Entity
    • Movement
    • Jurisdiction
    • From Currency
    • Custom

    Allow Shared Nodes

    Select if the dimension you are managing has shared nodes.


    (Custom dimension type only)
    Select the valid cubes for the custom dimension. The cubes that you can select from depend on the application settings that you selected, as follows:
    • Consol: Always available
    • Rates: Available if you selected Is this application Multi-Currency?
    • CbCR: Available if you selected Is CbCR Enabled?
    • Config: Available if you selected any of these settings:
      • Is Current Tax Payable Automation Enabled?
      • Is Net Operating Loss Automation Enabled?
      • Is Pillar Two Enabled?

    External Dimension Name

    (Custom dimension type only)

    If the dimension type is Custom, enter the external dimension name.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Optionally add one or more attributes to the dimension:


    When you register an application, a number of attributes are predefined for you depending on your registration settings. See Predefined Attributes for Tax Reporting Applications. You can optionally add one or more additional attributes during this registration step.
    • For simple attributes:
      • Select the simple attribute management style.
      • Enter an attribute name.
      • Enter all values you want to use for the attributes.


        The attribute name is put into the Attribute - name property and the values are put into a pull-down list.
    • For attribute dimensions:
      • Select the dimension attribute management style.
      • Enter an attribute dimension name.
      • For Attribute Type, select Text, Numeric, or Date.


        The attribute dimension name is put into the Attribute Dim - name property and the viewpoint for the attribute dimension is added to the default view for the application.

      See Understanding Attributes.


    For both simple attributes and attribute dimensions, the attribute name cannot be the same as any of the predefined account names (Account, Entity, Movement, Jurisdiction, From Currency) or any of the external custom dimension names that you entered. Additionally, the name cannot be one of the predefined attribute dimension names: Predefined Attributes for Tax Reporting Applications.

  5. Review the summary, and then click Apply.

    The dimension and its data chain are created. The data objects are bound to the dimension and set to active status. You can now import dimension data, see Importing Tax Reporting Dimensions.