Inclusion Property Examples

List Data Type Inclusion Property Example

To illustrate the concept of using a list data type inclusion property to specify which subscribing target viewpoints to include changes to for a node in the source, suppose you have a GL source viewpoint with subscriptions set up to synchronize changes in both a Planning and a Consolidation viewpoint. You can create an inclusion property to determine whether or not to include a node in a subscription to either or both viewpoints as follows:

  1. Create a new property to use as your inclusion property with the following details:
    Field Value
    Template Custom.List Template
    Name Applications to Include
    Description Determines which target applications this node should be included in subscriptions for.
    Level Node
    Default Type Specified
    Default Value Plan, Consol
    Editable True
    Inherited? None
    See Creating Properties Manually
  2. Add the property to the appropriate node types in the GL (source) viewpoint. See Adding a Property to a Node Type in Editing Property Parameters.
  3. In the subscription for the Planning (target) viewpoint, specify the following for the inclusion property:
    • Inclusion Property: Applications to Include
    • Inclusion Value: Plan
  4. In the subscription for the Consolidation (target) viewpoint, specify the following for the inclusion property:
    • Inclusion Property: Applications to Include
    • Inclusion Value: Consol

Now, when you work with nodes in the GL viewpoint, you can control whether or not they are included in the target viewpoint subscriptions by editing the Applications to Include property:

  • If the Applications to Include property contains the values of Plan or Consol, the node is added to the Planning or Consolidation target viewpoints.
  • If the Applications to Include property does not contain the values of Plan or Consol, the node is removed from the Planning or Consolidation target viewpoints.

Boolean Data Type Inclusion Property Example

For Boolean data type inclusion properties, let's return to the scenario with a GL source viewpoint with subscriptions set up to synchronize changes in both a Planning and a Consolidation viewpoint, and this time by default nodes added to the GL viewpoint get added to Planning automatically but do not get added to Consolidation unless the Consolidation administrator determines that they should be.

You can create two Boolean inclusion properties with a default of True for Planning and False for Consolidation, and then you can give each administrator data access only to the property for their viewpoint to determine whether or not to include a node from the GL viewpoint.

  1. Create two new properties to use as your inclusion properties with the following details: .
    Field Property 1 Property 2
    Template Custom.Boolean Template Custom.Boolean Template
    Name Include in Planning? Include in Consol?
    Description Determines whether or not this node should be included in subscriptions for Planning. Determines whether or not this node should be included in subscriptions for Consolidation.
    Level Node Node
    Default Type Specified Specified
    Default Value True False
    Editable True True
    Inherited? Deselected Deselected
    See Creating Properties Manually
  2. Add the property to the appropriate node types in the GL (source) viewpoint. See Adding a Property to a Node Type in Editing Property Parameters.
  3. Grant the Planning and Consolidation viewpoint administrators write data access to the Include in Planning? and Include in Consol? properties, respectively. See Configuring Data Access.

Now, by default new nodes will be included in subscriptions for the Planning viewpoint but not for the Consolidation viewpoint. However, the viewpoint administrators can now edit the properties in their respective subscriptions to include or exclude specific nodes in their applications:

  • The Planning administrator can change the Include in Planning? property to False in the Planning subscription in order to exclude the node in the Planning (target) viewpoint.
  • The Consolidations administrator can change the Include in Consol? property to True in the Consolidation subscription in order to include the node in the Consolidation (target) viewpoint.