Workflow Notifications

There are several types of email notifications that are sent in the workflow process.

Notification Type Description


Sent to users who need to approve submitted requests


Sent to users who are assigned a request


Sent to users who are asked to collaborate on requests


Sent to users who need to commit approved requests


Sent to Data Managers for requests that need their attention due to a:

  • Timeout: An invitee has not responded to the reminder emails

  • Deadlock: There are not enough approvers available to meet the approval policy requirements
Invalid Policy

Sent to Owners and Metadata Managers for the application or dimension to which the policy applies if a policy to be enforced does not have any invitees (for example, there are no policy users available or a policy group does not contain any users) for an In Flight request.


Sent to approvers or committers who have not yet taken action on a request

User mentions

Sent to users who are mentioned in a request or request item comment


Sent to submitters of a request when the request is:

  • Completed

  • Pushed back

  • Rejected


Reminder and escalation notifications are sent only if they have been configured in the approval or commit policies governing the request.

Workflow Email Example

The workflow notification below invites Amy to approve a submitted request named Add SmartWatch Product. The email provides a summary of the request: who created it, the view and viewpoints affected, the number of request items to approve, and the number of comments and attachments. It also indicates the request priority in the email body. If the priority is High, the email subject line is prefixed with "High Priority -" and the priority on the email object is set to High.

Amy can click the link to navigate directly to the request.

email example for workflow notification