Subscription Notifications

Email notifications are sent for subscription requests to make users aware of changes received through a subscription and to inform assignees of requests that have been assigned to them for review or issue resolution.

Notifications are sent to subscription users when a change to a source viewpoint is submitted. If a subscription request is auto-submitted, the user is notified that the changes were automatically applied to their viewpoint. Otherwise, the user is notified that the request is assigned to them for review and manual submission.


If the subscription assignee does not have an email address, or if that assignee has been removed from the system, the system sends the email notification to all users with Application Owner permissions in the applications contained in the source viewpoint.

When a source viewpoint has been updated, the assignees of all of the subscribing target viewpoints receive email notifications with the request details.


If the Collaborate option is enabled for the subscription (see Creating, Editing, and Validating Subscriptions), then the alternate assignees are sent email notifications as well.

Subscription notification emails for requests that were successfully processed contain the following information:

  • The request ID and title, with a link to open the request

  • The source view and viewpoints

  • The target view and viewpoints

  • The number of request items in the subscription request and the number of items from the original request that were skipped

  • An auto-submit status message that indicates whether the request was auto-submitted successfully.

  • If enabled (see Attach Subscription Request File in Configuring System Settings), subscription notifications also contain the request file that was used to generate the request items in the subscription as an attachment. You can review the attachment to see a preview of the changes and any potential issues in the request. See Reviewing Request File Attachments.

As an example, the notification below shows that the subscription request was created, and that no records were skipped. This means that all items were successfully loaded into the subscription request, but you may still have to take action on some of the items before they can be submitted. For example, this subscription request has a validation issue that must be resolved before the request can be submitted. You can click the request link in the notification to open the request for more information.
screenshot displays a notification with the fields listed above

Notifications for Skipped or Failed Subscriptions

For subscription requests that were skipped or have failed, an email notification is sent to users with the Owner or Metadata Manager permission on the application or dimension of the target viewpoint making them aware of the result. For skipped subscriptions, a notification is also sent to the request assignee. These issues can result from a number of scenarios, such as:

  • A subscription assignee does not have Participant (Read) permission to a source viewpoint and Participant (Write) permission in a target viewpoint
  • A user was deleted, or a group has no users
  • There are incompatible node types between the source and target viewpoints
  • A top node filter of a subscription is invalid (for example, a top node was removed or deleted)
  • A node filter expression is invalid

For failed subscriptions, when the issue has been resolved the View Owner or Service Administrator can replay the subscription for any requests where it failed previously. See Viewing Request Lineage.

Notifications for Blocked Subscription Requests

Notifications are sent if a subscription request is received for an application that is currently in an application blockout period. The notification contains the date and time that the blockout period will end.