Forms and Dashboards

This section discusses the access keys for the following features:

Forms 2.0

Keys Action
Alt+G Opens Actions button menu
Alt+Q Moves focus from grid to Save button (does not execute, requires Enter keypress to execute)
Alt+R Executes Refresh button (does not move focus)
Ctrl+F Opens Find popup
Ctrl+O Moves from grid to form toolbar and can tab to other toolbar buttons
Shift+F10 Displays context menu
Shift+Alt+F Moves focus to top of main content area
Shift+Alt+G Moves focus to dynamic tab
Shift+Ctrl+Z Moves focus to column header
Alt+O Removes column/row in Ad Hoc form
Alt+M Moves focus to Prediction Planning panel (when open)
F2 Display Smartlist popup dialog
Alt+H Moves focus to Home icon (does not execute it)
Navigating within slick grid
Shift+Tab/ Left arrow Move to previous cell in row
Tab/ Right arrow Move to next cell in row
Enter/ Down arrow Move to next cell in column
Shift+Enter/ Up arrow Move to previous cell in column
Tab To first cell of next row when on the last cell of the row
Shift+Tab To last cell of previous row when on the first cell of the row
Ctrl+Home Moves focus to the first cell in grid
Shift+End Moves focus to the last cell of first row of grid
Ctrl+End Moves focus to the last cell of grid
Ctrl+A Selects all cells in the grid
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves to last cell in current row
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves to first cell in current row
Shift+Space Row selection
Ctrl+Space Column selection
Ctrl+Up Move to the top most row of column
Ctrl+Down Mode to the bottom most row of column
Ctrl+Shift+Up Selection of cells from current cell to the top most row
Ctrl+Shift+Down Selection of cells from current cell to the bottom most row
Shift+Left Select multiple cells to the left each time Left arrow clicked
Shift+Right Select multiple cells to the right each time Right arrow clicked
Shift+Up Select multiple cells to the top each time Up arrow clicked
Shift+Down Select multiple cells to the bottom each time Down arrow clicked
Shift+Click Multi selection of cells (key+mouse)
Quick data entry commands
K Enter the value in thousands, for example, 1K enters 1,000
M Enter the value in millions, for example, 2M enters 2,000,000
+10 Add a number to the cell value, for example, +10 adds 10 to the value in the cell
Sub10 Subtract a number from the cell value, for example, 110Sub10 enters 100
Select Members dialog
Up and down arrow Navigate the members list
Space bar Highlights the row of the selected member
Shift + S Selects/deselects checkbox to select/deselect the member

Forms 1.0

Keys Action
Ctrl+F Opens Find popup
Shift+F10 Displays Context menu
Shift+Alt+F Moves focus to top of main content area
Shift+Alt+G Moves focus to Dynamic tab
Alt+M Moves focus to Prediction Planning panel (when open)
F2 Display Smartlist popup dialog
Alt+H Moves focus to Home icon (does not execute it)
Ctrl+Alt+E Moves focus out of grid to the Navigator link (only while in SRM)
Navigating within slick grid
Shift+Tab/ Left arrow Move to previous cell in row
Tab/ Right arrow Move to next cell in row
Enter/ Down arrow Move to next cell in column
Shift+Enter/ Up arrow Move to previous cell in column
Tab To first cell of next row when on the last cell of the row
Shift+Tab To last cell of previous row when on the first cell of the row
Ctrl+Home Moves focus to the first cell in grid
Shift+End Moves focus to the last cell of first row of grid
Ctrl+End Moves focus to the last cell of grid
Ctrl+A Selects all cells in the grid
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves to last cell in current row
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves to first cell in current row
Shift+Space Row selection
Ctrl+Space Column selection
Ctrl+Shift+Left Select multiple cells to the left each time Left arrow clicked
Ctrl+Shift+Right Select multiple cells to the right each time Right arrow clicked
Ctrl+Shift+Up Select multiple cells to the top each time Up arrow clicked
Ctrl+Shift+Down Select multiple cells to the bottom each time Down arrow clicked
Drag Flood-fill the copied cells
Quick data entry commands
K Enter the value in thousands, for example, 1K enters 1,000
M Enter the value in millions, for example, 2M enters 2,000,000
+10 Add a number to the cell value, for example, +10 adds 10 to the value in the cell
Sub10 Subtract a number from the cell value, for example, 110Sub10 enters 100

Dashboard 2.0

Keys Action
Alt+I Adds an widget below the widget in focus
F6 Focus on popup window. Example, Chart type popup
Alt+C+< (Less than Symbol) Create a new widget left side of current widget
Alt+C+Up Arrow Create a new widget upper side of current widget
Alt+C+Right Arrow Create a new widget right side of current widget
Alt+C+Down Arrow Create a new widget bottom side of current widget

Cut the widget from layout (For dropping it in other place)


Undo widget cut operation


Navigate through widgets

Alt+G Go to General tab
Alt+O Go to Chart tab
Alt+P Go to Chart specific tab
Alt+S Saves the dashboard
Select Members dialog
Up and down arrow Navigate the members list
Space bar Highlights the row of the selected member
Shift + S Selects/deselects checkbox to select/deselect the member

Dashboard 1.0

Keys Action
Alt+S Saves the dashboard
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Y Cycles focus through dashboard refresh icons