Execute Report Input File

This file, referenced in requirement.csv to support the opening of management reports, should specify the report to open. Each line of the file should be in the following format.

format=[REPORT_FORMAT];globalPov=[DIM 1:MEMBER 1],[DIM 2:MEMBER 2],..;prompts=[PROMPT 1:VALUE 1],[PROMPT 2:VALUE 2],..

globalPov and prompts are optional.


  • Supported report formats are pdf and embedded.
  • If the name of the globalPov dimension or its members contain a colon (:) or semicolon (;), use the escape character \\ preceding it. For example, the dimension name Version:View should be specified as Version\\:View

A sample input file to generate a pdf from a report with the global POV [Version View:Working],[Sales Entity:International Sales] and prompts [Actual;Budget],[Year:2018]:

format=pdf;globalPov=[Version View:Working],[Sales Entity:International Sales];prompts=[Actual:Budget],[Year:2018]